It's A Date

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Zoe Flint was no ordinary girl, at least not in her boyfriend's eyes. She was so tiny and fragile looking, Gus just wanted to take her away to some place where no one would ever find her so he could keep her all to himself. But, of course, if he ever did try to do so, she would most certainly have his head on a silver plate, for she might be tiny, but her heart was wild like a lioness, though it didn't stop him from wanting to do so, no matter where they stood in their on-again off-again relationship. He cared about her no mater what, he admired her vision of the world and her determination facing it.

And that, that was what crossed his mind as he watched her sleep that fine December night, curled up against him, her back against his chest and her face against the crook of his neck as he leaned against the armchair by the fireplace in the Slytherin common room. The only people in the room were either half asleep or too engaged in their own conversations to notice them, for it was almost three in the morning and most people had class the next day, so no one payed them particular attention - not that they did at any other time of the day if the couple was alone.

Zoe whimpered in her sleep, bringing Gus back from his deep thoughts. The boy tensed up and looked at her, relaxing back against the chair when she didn't move any further. He took that moment to look at her. Not that he had never done so, but he found there was always something about her face that was missing in his mental images of her. Her black hair, neatly cut at the edge of her chin, covered her cheek, creating a protective curtain around her, literally and figuratively speaking. Zoe had a wall up around her that he had never seen anyone break other than her brother and Rose, not even himself. Her dark hair contrasted perfectly with her pale skin, as well as her not too long but very dark eyelashes. Her nose and ears were small and delicate, and her cheeks always slightly rosy. Her lips were full, but not too full, and their color made it look like she always had a sort of deep mate lipstick on.

Their relationship was intense, they fought all the time and when they weren't doing so, they were mainly kissing and... doing other stuff. Angus couldn't say he liked all of it, because he didn't, it pained him to fight with her, but the truth was, both their personalities asked for it and it wasn't in either of them to admit they were wrong, but he couldn't say the bad didn't top the good either.

"What are you thinking about?" Asked a sleepy voice. Gus smiled gently at his girlfriend, brushing her hair away from her face with his hand, uncovering her big blue eyes, and allowing her to peer up at him curiously.

"You. What else?" Zoe rolled her eyes at him and sat up, still sitting between his legs.

"What time is it? Why didn't you wake me up?" Zoe asked, rubbing her eyes. She knew it had to be late as there weren't many people in the room.

"Three. And because I like having you sleep against me." He shrugged, and for that, she didn't have a proper response, and he knew it, as she sat there blinking up at him for a few seconds. 

"Come with me, then. I would offer to go to yours, but I think my brother would kill us, besides, the girls are a lot more civilized about it, we don't have a Scorpius making jokes all the time." She teased, scrunching up her nose.

"No, it's fine. I've had a couple of hours tonight, I'm already a lucky guy." 



Miss. Flint, in hopes to answer all the questions you may have regarding the upcoming 6th year field trip to Russia, we've written this letter explaining and laying out all the details.

The departure will be on Monday, January 10th from the school grounds at precisely 7 A.M. The journey will be made using the kindly lended Beauxbatons Carriages and it will last for three hours. 

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