4th Year (Part Two)

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-Still 4th Year-
Scorpius Malfoy was kissing Rose Weasley. That was not okay. Rose was not okay with that. His lips were crashed against hers, fighting against them, trying to get some, any, sort of reaction from her. With her eyes wide open, Rose dropped her book to the floor and shover Scorpius back.
"What the bloody hell was that for, Malfoy?!" She shouted out, her face somehow managing to get even more red than before. But the boy said nothing, he did nothing but look at her with his head cocked to the side and a small smile wanting to escape from his lips. And then they were on hers again. The young Malfoy knew not what had gone over his mind, he didn't know why her fighting him was so entertaining to watch and he surely didn't know why, after all the years they'd spent together, he had never felt that way before. But he couldn't control the impulse. She was shouting and he wasn't even listening. All he thought about was her lips. And her lips on his. And his arms around her. And he, for once, forgot about everything else and just did what he wanted to. Rose would have stepped back and away from him if she could, but the back of her legs was then pressed against a giant rock, and there was no escape possible. This time, he had done every movement slowly, everything in it's place, his intentions perfectly clear in his eyes, that did not move for a split second from hers. Scorpius leaned down slowly as he closed the already small gap between them. Their eyes were both closed this time around, and her lips much much softer, not stiff from him crashing his face onto hers, but her body was still extremely tense. A hand was brought up to her chin, pulling her closer to him, which, much to the boy's surprise, actually led her to relax a little and kiss him back, parting her lips against his as they moved in sync.
The two Slytherins melted onto each other and into the kiss. Only a few seconds later, when Scorpius broke the kiss and pulled back, Rose rose her hand up to his neck and pulled him down to her. No, she wasn't letting that extremely weird and unthought of moment end so soon. None of them was too sure of what was happening, or how, but they didn't really care at the moment either. Neither of the two was new to what they were doing at that moment, they had kissed other people before, but that, that was different. It was a completely new sensation, so much more simple, and yet, like it should have always been like that, the connection made both of them tingle in places they never thought could. Their blood running fiercely through their lips, and the tips of their fingers, the places where they were touching each other buzzing with the electricity that they both felt passing through them.
When they finally broke apart, Rose had a huge smile on her face, but couldn't bring herself to look up and face him, for no apparent reason. She wasn't really sure how she felt about what had just happened and she really did not want to talk about any of it at that moment, and she didn't want to go separate ways either. She had never felt that during a kiss before but she didn't believe it could be a one sided thing. She just didn't generally know or understand anything about that moment. She did know, however, that she would not mind doing that again, at all. But how wS that possible? How could she have enjoyed kissing Malfoy when only moment before she had been saying horrible things to him? And how could he have thought that kissing her as she did so was a good idea? The red haired took a deep, shaky breath and peered up at him through her lashes. Scorpius looked deep in thought, and she took a moment to look at him. To really look at him. No family or pre conceived opinions. Only her, Rose Weasley. His hair was much more yellow than his father's, though it was still very much silver like, and much more wild too. It couldn't have been longer than three, four fingers, but instead of being combed down, Scorpius used it messy, almost the way that he found it right after getting out of bed. His eyes looked dark grey at that moment, though Rose could have sworn they used to be green. His pupils were so dilated that hardly any color could be seen around them. His lips pressed tight against each other, making what Rose had then allowed herself to think were beautiful lips, disappear, being replaced by one thin line. Her eyes moved down his torso and onto his hands, which, just like hers, fell awkwardly along his sides, his fingers fidgeting against each other. Eyes up again, Rose found him to not be lost in thought anymore, but instead gazing intently at her, his expression unreadable. He had never thought about the Weasley girl that way before, but there was something about her attitude, her honesty, that made something click in him, and he couldn't hold it in, not when the opportunity had proven so perfect. They were together, in the middle of nothing, all alone. He would have been a fool if he had not taken the opportunity. And right there, a hell of a kiss later, looking into his eyes, something clicked in her too, her heart opened up to the possibility of him. And she wanted to smack herself for having yelled at him, making that moment so much more awkward than it needed to be and a lot more difficult for her to say anything. And she wanted to smack him for having the timing that he did and kissing her on the worst way possible. Althought she had to admit that it probably wouldn't have gone that way at all if the situation was aby other. Should she say she was sorry? Even if she did, she wouldn't mean it. Rose really did feel that way towards Scorpius . She couldnt just keep on with shoutibg at him and she most certainly couldn't move fron thay spot without him moving too. The girl weighted her options, but it turned out, he'd beaten her on making a decision. Scirpius bent down and picked up her books. "I thought you said you were hungry?" He told her as he tuened around, walking towards the castle. Rose just stood there for a few seconds before running after him, nudging his sude once she'd caught up with him.
"Those are my books, you know?"
"I do." He nodded once as they fell into step next to each other.
"I'd like them back please." Malfoy wanted to tell her no. He wanted to tell her that he'd carry them for her, but he knew her too well, even if all they'd done for four years was bicker, they had still spent most of those years tigether, and you can't just know nothing about that person after that much time. And he knew her. He knew she was too proud to let anyone do a good thing for her.  So he gently handed her the books.
Rose Weasley was rarely wrong, and even when she was, she never admitted to it, but she couldn't help but to start wondering if she had been to quick to judge him based onely on pre conceived opinions that were not even hers. Or about him. She had never really given him a chance, and somehow, that kiss had changed that. Well not change, but it had certainly opened her mind to what she had previously denied: to see him as something more than the boy her father had pointed out as the boy to beat.
They walked into the the castle together, none of them speaking but none of them bithered by the silence either. Their friendship was born with one, well three, kisses. And to this day, neither have met anyone with a better story to tell than that one. After that kiss they became inseparable,  they have told each other everything about anything. Confided their secrets in one another and annoyed the heck out of Albus Potter, who was extremely confused when they snuck into the hospital wing the following day together abd actually managed to stay for a good twenty minutes without bickering, and actually having a lot of physical contact. Every day has been like that since.

Yayyy new chapter!! It's the ladst one, for now, that is set in their fourth year. The ones after this one will be set after the first one, but I thought it'd be nice to let you know how they actually became friends, which will also clarify some of the attitudes they will have whilst facing some situations.
I know that was very vague,  but bear with me, this is where the story starts rolling and getting interesting. Keep in mind that they are teenagers though, they will mess up and over react and be teenagers so don't get mad at me!
Hopefully the next chapter will have a little bit more of dialog than this one! I know it sucks but it just flew out if my pen and I figured why not, so here it is! Let me know what you think, I love you just for taking the tine to read!

Xoxo, ines out

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