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"Tears are words the heart can't Express, Jay's  heart especially,after all, that is all it has been doing since the last year after all"
A knock came in and she heard her daughter's crying voice,

"who is there" She asked

"Ma, it is me, Noor has been crying since yesterday, She is feeling sick" Aisha, Her Nanny complained.

She rushed to the door and opened it quickly to carry her daughter from her hand.
She winced slightly at her high temperature. She knows at this moment the girl can collapse.
She rushed to her dressing mirror to take her car keys still in her praying Hijab.

She was rushing down the stairs that if not for the will of god, they would have tumbled down, Every where was silent that she can't even hear anyone, it has been this awkward since yesterday night.

How she got to her car, Only God knows, She rushed in and dropped Noor on the baby's car seat, She then quickly turned towards the Driver seat and kicked off.

On getting to the hospital, she was rushed to the emergency room as she had already fainted.

The anxious mother has been sitting for almost an hour crying her heart out and Praying to God to save her daughter. That was when she remembered she hadn't called anyone, as she picked up her phone to call Amir, She noticed a nurse coming from the room they took Noor to rushing towards her direction.

She stood up to meet her and she said
"You are needed right now ma'am"

She didn't even say anything she just rushed inside the room and met her daughter sitting Calling Mama

She rushed to her side and hugged her Calmly.

The 16 month old was repeating Mama as if it was the only word in the world, She has never heard her calling her name.
A tear rolled down her face followed by a cheeky smile that  spread on her face wildly.

Alhamdulillah was what she kept chanting, Her daughter is fully recovered and she can't even feel any hotness she felt when she brought her in.

She carried the baby and kept rocking her, more cuddling her.

It wasn't up to five minutes later that she noticed Noor was limp. She started shaking wildly and pressed the emergency alert button beside her.
A nurse and doctor rushed in and told her to excuse them. A minute after, the heart beeping monitor went flat.

"TIME OF DEATH 10:50 AM" the doctor called out and walked out of the room sadly.

Good morning guys, i know i have been mia since this days but I'm really sorry 😐, i don't have any excuse, The chapter is short because I just want to make sure I updated today.

Thank you for understanding 😘.

See you when I see you,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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