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The last customer had left. A sleepy and tired student, needing his share of the caffeine fix had stuck around long enough working rigorously on his laptop. Tyla could relate to him and hence had no problems with him staying around for a bit as she cleaned the counters of the usually bustling Breeze Cafe, which was as quiet as a lonely forest as it neared its closing time. However, after a while, she noticed that the student had actually fallen asleep on his laptop and that is when Tyla had to politely ask him to leave and get a good night's sleep.

 Much like the student, Tyla was craving the soft touch of her bed and the colourful gossip collected throughout the day narrated by her gossip writer roommate Nancy, which she listened to half-asleep, half engrossed in her academic books and her nights couldn't get complete without. Her dominating co-workers sweet-talked their way into giving her the task of cleaning the counters and the machines before leaving and even though she used to agree to it out of politeness initially, now the job had almost become second nature to her. She actually used to  enjoy the quiet atmosphere of the cafe at night which helped clear her mind of the hustle-bustle of the whole day and provided time for reflection and contemplation.

She stretched her arms out of exhaustion and looked out into the street. Cars, some normal, some flashy passed by. Flashy cars were not uncommon in this part of the country, dominated by fame and glamour and when not in college, she felt out of place here, though the region was also famous for its premier educational institutions. Hence, when she would meet people like the sleepy student, she felt a sense of comfort and familiarity. She heard a car stop. 'Another customer? At this hour? They usually know it's closing time' she thought to herself. 'Hmm….could also be for the boutique. I hope it's for the boutique.' The ultra-luxurious boutique next to the cafe had a few customers late into the night and as the person had come in a car, it should most certainly be for the boutique or something elite.

She turned around and watched the cafe in its quietness. However, the silence was broken with the sound of the door opening and she was both alarmed and somewhat annoyed by this intrusion to her contemplative moment. She turned around and saw a man who seemt to be self-absorbed and self-important by his attitude and demeanour. He had brown and well-maintained hair and a mature but good-looking face. His blue eyes showed a certain sense of dominion and power as he walked into the cafe and greeted her with a somewhat suppressed smile, trying to be cold and distant. He wore a maroon shirt with a black jacket and denim jeans with branded shoes which made him look younger than he probably was. 'Fancy…..' she thought. But it was not the time to notice the fancy clothes of the man. She had to ask him to leave immediately.

"One coffee, please…." The man uttered emphasising on the 'please' but still authoritatively enough. She was rather annoyed by him commanding her around without hearing her out as if she was his personal assistant.

"Sorry, we're closed." She replied, assertively but restraining her annoyance.

"Well, wh-what?" He asked, looking her in the eye as if she muttered something demeaning and he was ready to bounce back.

"I said we're closed! It's closing time, you see, sir." She replied, assuming a more assertive yet polite tone.

"How can you-what?! I just shifted in the neighbourhood and this is the only cafe I saw around here! You should feel lucky that I am even paying your cafe a visit, especially at this time, when there are few people." His tone was narcissistic and Tyla assumed him to be a rich, spoiled brat, the apple of his family's eyes. She decided to respond with the same attitude.

"Oh really? And why would that be? And as for the cafe, it is so quiet because it is closing time!"

The man looked at Tyla with a horrifying shock. Tyla was extremely pleased at having given him a fitting reply.

"Well, what are you doing around then, if it is closing time?" He asked, not ready to withdraw himself at the insulting reply.

'How bold of him to question me that way!' She thought but replied in a mild manner "Well, I was just about to leave sir…."

"You cannot get me a cup of coffee? Do you not know who I am?" He sat down as he asked, his head between his hands, showing signs of fatigue. His tone had gotten milder, probably due to his fatigue but still carried the scent of the initial self-importance.

She did not reply but stood silently, not knowing how to respond.

"Argh, really?! You can stand there and watch me the whole night but cannot take out a few minutes to get me a cup of coffee?" He said with much annoyance.

"I am sorry, I have to ask you to leave, sir. This is closing time." She said, as politely as she could.

"Argh, it really feels painful to introduce yourselves after you have lost the practice……seriously, do you not know me?" 

At this, Tyla realized that he is probably a famous person, or at least that is what he believed he was. She decided to tease him.

"Oh, I am sorry. I am not that familiar with this place yet. Are you some sort of a local star?" She spoke with a sarcastically gentle tone.

At this, he looked up and gazed deeply into her eyes again. Her words had had the desired effect and she was thrilled.

"Local star?" This time he assumed a sarcastic tone as well, "Well, I have been on magazine covers and billboards, so certainly more than a local star." He paused for a moment before continuing to check for the expected reaction which he got as she looked at him with surprise, finally coming to terms with the fact that he was a big deal….or at least trying to. "I am used to having people flock around me for autographs and interviews…..and yet, here you are, not willing to get a cup of coffee for this tired star." 

She looked at him with surprise for some time, thinking about a fitting reply which would ease the embarrassing situation. He was not a spoilt man, but a hard working celebrity whom she had not and still did not  recognize, however she did not want to show him that she felt embarrassed…..or even cared.

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