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The next evening, the whole atmosphere of the cafe during free times was full of cheerful giggles. It was the trio of girls, gossiping amongst themselves about the events of the previous night, unconcerned about the crowd in the cafe until Fionna, the owner of the cafe had to hush them back to work. Fionna had started dressing smarter since the cafe had gotten popular. Her blonde hair were tied in a neat bun, she was dressed in a smart formal bluish-green dress.

"Carla, Alexa, Sarah, now I do allow gossip and chit-chats here but that doesn't mean customers are interested in your talk. Get back to work now!"

The trio quietly got back to their work.

"What's got the girl-gang so beamed up today?" Tyla asked Dan.

"Oh, you know, he was here last night. Patrick James."

"Huh. Was he?"

'I wonder if he talked to Carla too.' Tyla thought to herself.

"Yeah. Carla has been super excited since. She's been spamming his pictures to me all night. She said that he's quite the charmer, and the talker. Well, in that order. Does she want me to get jealous or what?" Dan said, in a sarcastic tone.

"Talker?" The word bothered Tyla. For some reason, she had hoped that she was the only one he'd prefer talking to. But then again, he was a celebrity. It was his job to keep people happy and particularly his fans.

"Yeah, I mean, nothing surprising about that. That's his general reputation, if you have ever seen him around fans."

"I guess...." Tyla wasn't pleased to know that. But she acted unconcerned.

After some time, she noticed Carla sexily walking up to Dan and trying to catch his attention. She tried to look away but just couldn't. Though they were talking slowly, she could hear everything clearly and couldn't restrain herself from overhearing the conversation as she continued serving coffee to customers.

"What are your plans for tonight?" She asked in a seductive tone.

"Okay.....we can do this in private."

"Duh." Carla sounded annoyed.

"You said you liked me Dan.....why are you so embarrassed of bringing this out in public?"

'Gosh, he led her on by saying that he liked her.....ugh, Dan,' Tyla thought to herself.

"Look, I really don't want to do this right now. Don't you see how busy the cafe is?"

"Do you even like me? You never talk sweetly to me except in bed."

'Gosh,' Tyla thought to herself, too involved in their conversation by that point.

"Look, please, can we talk in private? We have to focus on work here."

"Gosh Dan, can we please get in a proper relationship? Please? I promise I won't rush for anything, baby. Please."


"No, Carla, honestly I think we should stop doing this. I can't. I am sorry."

The look on Carla's face was enough to express how devastated she was.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, in a shaky voice.

Tyla was a bit concerned for Carla and continued eavesdropping on their conversation till an annoyed customer, a woman brought her attention back to work,

"Excuse me lady, I have been standing here since the past 2 minutes!"

"I am so sorry, I...."

But the customer continued to shout and attracted the attention of all the others.

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