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It had been 2 weeks and things had changed a lot in the cafe. Well, not really in the cafe but more with the people working in the cafe. It seemt that almost everyone had something going on, love- life wise, except for Tyla. Alexa and Sarah were chatting at a distance about two guys who bought free drinks for them at a club party last weekend. Michael was busy texting his new girlfriend who was an aspiring model. Perfect for him as he was pursuing a photography course. He often spent all of his free time texting her. Dan and Tyla talked and hung around more than ever now, but Tyla had begun noticing Dan's increasing closeness with Carla. The two flirted around often and Dan appeared to be enjoying the attention. However, he often made fun of Carla in front of Tyla. Tyla was baffled by this strange behaviour but Dan would assure her that he was simply flirting back for fun and nothing was going on between them.

That night, she noticed him to be a bit restless. It appeared as if he wanted to say something to her but could not find the words. That night, Carla was to stay back as Tyla had to submit a paper the next day. As she was walking home with Dan, he began,

"Hey, so......"

"Yeah? You look as if you wanna say something to me so badly."

"Oh, yes. You're right. How did you know that?"

"Oh, come on Dan, look at your face. Anyway, what's up?"

"N-nothing that huge actually. But..." He hesitated.

"Come on. Say it." She coaxed him.

"You know how I said I was hanging around and flirting with Carla, just like that? Well, we......have been sleeping together for a while."

"Wh-wh-what?" Tyla stared at him in disbelief.

"Oh, yeah, shocking, right?"

"Actually, not at all. I should have expected that. But are you guys like.....official or something now?"

"Oh, I don't know how I got myself into this mess, it was some sort of a.....situationship or something. But I want to get out, okay? She wants to move things forward but I regret this. I regret sleeping with her."

"Wow......well, I wish I could help you in some way."

"Oh, nevermind. I just wanted you to listen to me."

"Why did you want to tell all of this to me anyway?"

"I don't know.....I mean, we are friends too, right? I do share my stuff with you. Talking to you feels even better than talking to Michael. Besides, you seem to be the least judgemental person around here."

"How do you know that? What if I gossip about all of this with my roommate? Or anyone else?"

"Ah, least there aren't the weird looks. Or the suggestions. Besides, honestly, I don't think you gossip. At least not in a mean way."

" gossip. I'll be honest. I gossip with my roommate a lot about Carla. But yeah, don't worry, no judgements about your actions."

"Yeah, well. It's me who has to do something about it anyway. I'll do it. This will stop now."

Meanwhile, Patrick James had been back from a small visit to his family. His younger sister Erna had started college that year in LA itself. Though the two of them interacted briefly, Patrick was still protective and caring towards her, often bringing her gifts. She was aware of his fame for a long time but chose to stay away from it. She had only a few close friends and wanted to keep it that way.

He felt a strange ecstacy upon coming back to Los Angeles. Los Angeles wasn't his actual home, with his family and yet something about this city had started feeling extremely familiar to him. He gazed outside the window as the familiar neon billboards, dimly lit boutiques, cafes and restaurants passed by him, including his favourite 'Curry Leaf' restaurant, though it had been a long time since he went to the restaurant as lately he had been visiting a different place in the same line. A place which pulled him again and again. Which kept him coming back for more and yet, never felt enough. The place which had become his safe haven, for some unknown reason. As he saw the familiar words 'Breeze Cafe' shining brightly from some metres away, there was a sudden tingle inside his stomach. A tingle which felt weird but good. There was an unexplained excitement. It felt weird but in a good way.

As the car stopped, he got off and had his typical demeanour, he walked with his carefree arrogance and as he stepped inside, he felt a jolt of excitement as the bitter aroma of coffee beans surrounded him. He just looked around for some time and soaked in the atmosphere. There was some movement below the counters. He simply heard a voice,

"Sorry, we're closed."

The voice confused Patrick till the girl speaking stood straight. He noticed the It wasn't her. There was an unexplainable disappointment.

"What? Am I dreaming? Patrick James!" The girl could hardly contain her excitement. She quickly came close to him and said,

"Please sit! Oh, I have been wanting to meet you for so long! I know the kind of coffee that you like. Please give me a few minutes. I'll get it right away."

Patrick smiled awkwardly and unwillingly sat on his usual seat. But he was not in the least interested in a conversation. He simply kept gazing outside the window. He could make out that the girl was clicking his pictures from the reflection in the transparent window and he let out a quiet sigh. A few minutes later, the room was filled with a strong smell of coffee but Patrick was too disinterested to notice.

He only turned to look at her when she called out to him to give the coffee mug,

"Please, take this! Oh, my hands are shaking. I am such a huge fan."

She stepped behind nervously as he took the mug in his hands and took a quiet sip. This.....was not it. It was just not it. He stared at the coffee in the mug for a few seconds. It was not bad coffee. It tasted good. But it just wasn't the coffee that he came looking for. He quickly drank the coffee as the girl kept on clicking pictures.

"Would you like some more?" She asked, in her most polite voice, as she took the empty coffee mug from him.

"Oh, no. It was great though, thanks. I should leave now."

"Uh, could I please get a....selfie?"

Patrick nodded and stood beside her for a selfie. He then embraced her warmly. He made a strange face, irritated with the strong perfume that the girl had put on.

He smiled as he said a polite 'good night' to her before leaving and she did the same.

As he seated himself comfortably in his car, he was guilty for not giving full justice to his fan. He just wasn't there at the moment and for no reason. He just wasn't able to enjoy the attention though he always enjoyed meeting fans. He thought of the events that happened again and again as he watched the buildings pass by through the window.

On the other hand, Carla was disappointed that Patrick James left so early. Tyla had mentioned that he was quite the talker and left late and it was his general reputation among fans. She thought that she would lie about him being a chatterbox as she posted their selfie in her story.

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