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Tyla woke up lazily the next day. It was a Saturday. She saw Nancy on her bed, completely passed out. This was a typical Saturday scene. Nancy would be out partying the whole Friday night, sometimes meet some guy and have a kiss, or simply return home and pass out on the bed. When Tyla was with her, she would drink to her heart's content knowing that Tyla would bring her home safe. However, her absence didn't stop her from enjoying her time. Nancy's biggest fantasy was meeting a hot actor in a club and either having a meet-cute love story or if nothing else, a kiss. However, despite having met a few celebrities in clubs, she hadn't really succeeded in anything more than just a fangirl moment.

Tyla stretched her arms and went to the window. She was surprised to see that it was almost afternoon. Yes, Saturdays were lazy for her but not this lazy. She quickly refreshed herself and made herself a vegetable sandwich and some coffee. While drinking the coffee, she thought of Patrick James and how their encounter made for such a memorable conversation.

Afterwards she got engrossed in her books and did not keep a track of time till it was almost evening. 

She got ready to go to the cafe in the evening. She woke Nancy up, gave her some lemonade and left.

The cafe was busier than usual, being a Saturday. Dan came over to Tyla and gently nudged her shoulder. 

"Heyy, what's up??" 

Dan was the only co-worker who she found sweet. Carla, Sarah and Alexa would usually be busy in their own talks and it appeared that they thought of her to be a simple bookworm, thinking about studies day and night with no social life. Dan and Michael would be busy doing guy talks but Dan still talked to her from time to time.

"Ahm, nothing much." Tyla replied smiling.

"Oh, by the way, do you know who was here last night? You'd never guess." She thought of talking about the experience, embarrassing as it was.

"Well, really? Somebody other than that student was here at closing time?"

"Oh yeah. Shocking, right? I'd never expect a celebrity to show up here at closing time. Oh, it was Patrick James, by the way."

"Huh? Patrick James?" Dan's gentle blue eyes got wide.

"You're kidding, right? I wouldn't have thought of that guy at all. He was here? Really?"

"Yeah, he was-"

"Oh, who was here, Dan?" Carla showed up in her usual flirtatious tone. She had a thing for Dan which was crystal clear.

"Well, Patrick James." Dan replied, nervously moving his hand through his fair blonde hair. He often got awkward and uncomfortable at Carla's flirting and attention.

"Oh, when? Who said so?"

"Tyla said he showed up at closing time."

"Did he really?" Carla brushed some of her golden locks off her forehead.

"No way, I think you're just making shit up Tyla. What celebrity would show up at closing time?"

"Well he did. What would I get from making it up?"

"Okay….so did you get an autograph or a picture?" She asked with a crooked smile.

Tyla froze. She didn't. She seriously didn't. 

"Not really." Tyla replied nervously.

"Hmm…..well, that's weird." She brushed her medium length golden locks behind her shoulders, gave a smirk and left.

"Well, why didn't you get something Tyla?" Dan asked.

"It…..was an unusual meet. I didn't recognize him for quite some time. And afterwards, somehow the thought just didn't occur to me." Tyla didn't want to make herself sound believable at this point. She didn't care. Anybody who truly knew her would know that she wouldn't lie about such things. The others didn't matter.

"Ah, nevermind. There was a time I didn't recognize Hayley Connelly when she walked right in front of me. I guess we can't expect ourselves to know each of them."

Dan understood her. It was comforting.

She looked away and suddenly saw a familiar face. Matt? Was it really him? What was he doing here? Matt saw her and smiled.

It was indeed him. The same dirt brown hair, the same greyish-blue eyes carrying the charm of being the high school heart throb, the same slim but fit figure indicating a regular fitness regime. She was seeing him after almost 7-8 months. He was wearing a white shirt with dark blue jeans and dark brown shoes. Tyla felt a tingle in her knees and her old feelings surfaced on seeing that familiar smile after a long time. She hesitated and got sweaty as he approached her. She didn't know that he still had the power to send a tingle down her knees.

"Hi, Tyla, how have you been?" He asked in that familiar gentle voice of his.

"I am fine. This is a surprise." She replied shyly.

"Yes, I thought of visiting you. It's been a long time. So, want to hang out tonight after your shift?"

"Of course! Why not? We have got so much catching up to do." Tyla was excited but tried to contain herself.

"Well, I came here yesterday, for a weekend break, thought of meeting up with some friends here, one of them, you, of course." He smiled. She was flushed. She could not wait to get out of her shift to go out with him.

"Why didn't you text or call?"

"Well, as you can see, the surprise of showing up suddenly matches nothing else. A dramatic entry, you know? I did text my other friends to create proper plans but I knew I'd find you here, of course."

Tyla was pleased with the special treatment given to her.

"Oh, in the meantime, I see that you do have plenty of customers waiting. I'll have a coffee too, please" 

After having his coffee, he asked her to text him when she got free.

When the rush of customers got less, Tyla approached Dan and Carla, who were talking, knowing who would be willing to take over her late-night tasks and let her slip out earlier.

"Hey Dan, I was…."

"Yeah, okay, great Dan! So, want to get some drinks later?" Carla didn't let Tyla finish.

"Uhm, I guess….." He didn't really want to.


Tyla took Dan to a side as Carla got on with her work.

"Hey Dan, I know you have plans with Carla but……could you please take over my closing time duties? I have to slip out earlier to catch up with my friend, he's a great friend, my best friend from high school, I haven't met him in months….."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure Tyla, no worries. In fact, I feel all of us should be doing that in turns but….."

"Nevermind. I really like that quiet time, as you know."


After her shift, Tyla texted Matt and they went for drinks at a nearby club.

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