Dance with me

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"we'll go down first and give you a signal when the coast is clear, that way when Peter comes in he won't see you"

"okay" I agreed, my stomach churning as I shook my hands with a breath.

"don't worry, you look great" Nat assured, patting my arm before she headed off into the crowd with Pepper.

Peter wasn't here yet; I knew that much. I had text him that I was going out for a bit and wouldn't answer my phone, mainly for the fact I had strapped it to my leg with a phone holder thing I bought off amazon.

Nat gave me a signal and I joined them on the floor, manoeuvring through the crowd until I joined their little group of avengers where I saw a familiar face.

"wait a minute" the bloke from the museum looked back at me in a similar state of shock. "James from Brooklyn?"

"Hi Alex" he smiled uncertainly as the others looked between us in confusion.

"you two know each other?"

"we met at the museum" Nat began cackling as she realised what was going on.

"you were the British lady helping him through the phone!"

"oh my god" my cheeks flared, and I couldn't help but chuckle along, eyes catching sight of the very shiny black and gold metal arm James had hidden under a jacket when we first met. "you didn't say anything"

"I didn't realise you were Peter's Alex" he apologised "it's nice to see you again. You look great"

"very pretty" Steve seconded, and I fanned my face with a smile.

"thanks guys, you're looking very dapper as well"

"I was wondering who little red riding hood was" Tony walked over with Pepper, who slapped his arm with an apologetic smile.

"thank you for all this," he waved me off until I wrapped my arms around him, his hands hovering over my shoulder "I really appreciate it"

"no problem Kid" he patted my back and I let him go to see a smile on his face "Underoos isn't going to be able to keep his hands off you when he sees you"

I stayed with Nat, Steve and James, sipping on a virgin cocktail as they chatted. Pepper and Tony were stuck doing the rounds, talking to people who donated to the charity and all that jazz, not something I was envious of for sure.

"are you nervous?" Steve asked and I shook my head, my eyes peeling away from the entrance to look at his smirking face.

"okay maybe a little. I don't know if he's gonna like my hair or not"

"you shouldn't worry so much; a haircut isn't going to break you guys up"

"yeah you're probably right" I downed my drink, careful of my lipstick "any of you guys want another drink?"

"I'll come with you" Steve offered, and we headed to the bar after Nat and James refused. "when is Peter arriving?"

"I'm not too sure, I know Happy wasn't far when he messaged a while ago"

"you guys live in Queens right?"

"yeah, you're from Brooklyn like James, right?"

"we grew up together" he filled me in, and I furrowed my eyebrows, so James was born in the 20's too? "you really don't know a lot about our history do you?"

"no not really, you guys weren't talked about very much where I'm from. Peter fills me in most of the time" he chuckled, leaning on the bar.

"you should come by more often, Peter over to do his 'Intern' work with Tony now and then, you're more than welcome to join him, or us. We always order takeout on days like that."

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