The beginning

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Flames circled around the village Izuku once called home. Screams filled the air in place of the sweet sounding music from the festival that was playing only minutes ago.
Izuku covered his nose, trying hard not to puke from the stench of ash, burnt flesh and pure death.
He ran as fast as he could, his scent of rain and woods souring into rotting plants. Tears fled down his cheeks like a waterfall the entire way. Only when he came into view of what was once his house did he start to really loose it.
His once beautiful humble home, built of wood and stones was now engulfed in blue flames, dancing along the roof and walls. If it was under other circumstances, the flames would have mesmerized the young Omega, the beautiful blue swaying with the wind as if it were dancing to the music that used to play. But no, the blue flames instead filled him with a sickening dread that threatened to claw out of his chest along with his beating heart.
Izuku didnt realize he was screaming until his throat felt raw and in pain, dryness coated his mouth acompaning the saltiness of his tears.

His mother was in there. She was screaming out to him, he could hear her sweet voice filled with fear and desperation for her baby boy to run away.

His mother, his beautiful, kind, loving mother was dying.

She was being burnt alive, right in front of him.

Izuku cried, running towards the flames to retrieve his dam before a hand reached out and yanked him backwards.
Falling onto the ground, Izuku looked up to see scarred purple flesh burnt beyond repair, stitched onto paler skin. He looked up higher and locked eyes with a bright, brilliant blue full of evil and twisted intentions.

It was the same blue as the fire that was burning his village.

Izukus scent filled with fear along with his eyes, he wiggled in the strangers grasp to get to his dam. But when he looked up at her, all he saw was a scorched corpse, resting beneath wooden beams. The blue fire surround her and the rest of his house, until that brilliant shade of blue was all he could see.

The Omega sobbed, curling up into a ball as best he can while the stranger behind him chuckled.

The white haired alpha was dressed in a shaggy drench coat, a black bandana pulled back his spiky white hair. He wore a tattered white undershirt and baggy pants with a leather belt, holding multiple weapons of some sort. He could smell the salty seas along with the crisp scent of sea air woven into his natural smoky scent.

A pirate

The man's thick boot kicked Izuku in the ribs, making whimper. He smirked, relishing in the sobs of the younger male at his foot before turning his head over his shoulder.

"Shigiraki! Look...... I found something you might like"

Loud stomps followed by a irritated sigh came closer in contact with the withering Omega on the ground. A partly gloved hand soon grabbed izukus jaw, lifting him up and forcing him to look into the dull red eyes of what Izuku will only ever remember as evil himself.

This man was also an alpha, long white knotted hair draped over his shoulders, his eyes were blood shot and his skin was so pale and sickly you could mistake it for a dead man's. Small scars and cracks littered his face, practically creaking as a wide, terrifying smile scratched across the man's face.

"Oh...? An omega.... A male omega. I haven't seen one of you in years... "

The hand holding his jaw tightened, causing more tears to fall down his cheek. Yet no noise came from Izuku. He was too afraid, too heart broken and scared to even breath.

Small hiccups and sniffles soon filled the tense air as he couldn't hold his breath forever. Izuku looked around more, noticing a large pirate hat on the man that was holding him. He also noticed the screams of his people were now gone.

The only sound left was his own pathetic sobs, and the crackling of the fire around them.

Shigiraki dropped the omega on the ground harshly, before turning around and walking away. The objects in his belt clicked together as he walked, making Izuku swallow in air in a desperate attempt to sooth his breathing.

"Tie him up and bring him on the ship."

Shigiraki called over his shoulder. The captain grew a sinister smirk that took up half of his cracked face.

"I have plans for him."

That only made Izuku cry more, the blue eyed alpha walked back over, picked him up by the scruff like a pup and hauled him over his shoulder like he was nothing. All the while green eyes stared at what was once the corpse of his mother, desperately searching, hoping that maybe she somehow survived.

But he saw nothing, nothing except a pile of ashes where his dam once laid.

The last of his village was now ash and dust, being swept away by the wind.

All of it destroyed, by that brilliant blue flame.

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