chapter 11

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"Well it won't work in a day. The potion takes about a week to fully work. So you'll slowly take on more fish features until then. " Ochako smiled, explaining how the potion worked.
Izukus cheeks reddened with embarrassment, knowing that he was mumbling his thoughts again. One day he thought, it's really gonna get him in trouble.

"On the first day you won't feel anything, by the second you'll start getting cramps and aches. Around the the third fourth and fifth, you'll start to grow scales, gills, and other aquatic atrabutes. On the last day you'll get your tale. You'll be extremely hungry since your body has to use so much energy to shift into something new. But that's ok! Blasty here can get you whatever you want! " Ochako smiled proudly, smacking the back of the blonde mer next to her. Katsuki let out a small, meaningless growl from the contact.

"Oh, ok. That sounds simple enough. So uh, do I just, drink it now? " Everything what was happening was so fast yet not fast enough. Does he really just drink the potion and then in around seven days become a mermaid? It seems easy yet complicated.

"Well once the potion is correctly obtained and consumed, yes the next week or so happens verily fast and easy, but actually making the potion it difficult. You need lots of different ingredients that are hard to find, then you need to do a ridiculous amount of steps, not to mention you need a sea witch with a higher level of magic to make it. It took three trys go get this baby right! Thankful katsuki here went ahead and paid for back up ingredients, otherwise it would've took longer."
Ochako smiled, laughing a bit as she watched the small Omega infront of her crumble from embarrassment.

Katsuki chuckled softly, taking his place next to his mate and pulling him down into his lap. Katsuki had his arms around izukus, nuzzling his soft hair. "Oi cheeks, the vile? "

"Oh! Right! Here, it's going to taste better though, just a warning. "

Izukus looked up, holding his hands out to receive the small glass vile. The pretty purple liquid swished around, the color was memorizing.

Izuku took a small breath before undoing the bottle top, taking one last look at the potion. Izuku through his head back and downed it in one go like you would a shot of whisky.

Ochako was right, it was bitter. The liquid felt rough and acidic down his throat. Izuku tasted seaweed amongst variations of other underwater plants. It burned, making him gag but he kept drinking until it was gone. For such a small bottle, it seemed there was an endless amount of liquid in it.

Izuku looked at the empty vile satisfied, handing it back to Ochako who took it back with one of her tentacles. Izuku suddenly felt a bone crushing hug storm behind him. He forgot for a second he was still in the blondes lap.

It was when a loud rumbling echoed off the cave walls that ochako started to back up.

"Well, my work here is done. Katsuki is gonna stay with you till the transformation is complete. So uh, see you until then! We're all excited to see you! " Ochako awkwardly smiled, her cheeks heating up in embarrassment as her clan and pod leader started very affectionately scenting the poor human. She then dove back into the water, and with a quick wave of her tentacle, she was gone.

"Kacchan...! There was someone right in front of us! She literally just saw all of that! " izuku groaned, knowing how weird it must of been for the girl to see her leader suddenly get openly horny with him so suddenly.

"Don't care." Katsuki chuffed back, rubbing himself all over izuku, making sure he was bathed in his scent.

"I can't wait until you get your tail. You're gonna look so fucking hot."


So that's why he got like this.

Izuku just laughed, leaning back into the broad chest behind him. Izuku pulled the alphas head down, stealing a kiss that soon turned deeper and less innocent.

It's a good thing ochako got out of there when she did, otherwise she would have had to hear the loud moans echoing through the caves.


Izuku was in pain.

Everything hurt, and he was so, so so hungry.

Damn mermaid hunger.

Izuku is on his last day of the transformation. Hes already sporting light green scales and frilly finned ears. His gills have started to come in, making the need for salt water grow by the minute. His teeth has turned insanely sharp, not as sharp as katsuki but definitely sharper then the average alpha human. He also started to sport claws, more lean muscle began to form along his back and shoulders, his arms toning slightly too. Katsuki said it was because his body would need it to be able to to swim through the water constantly. Izuku wasn't complaining, in fact he liked the new added muscle, and his mate seemed to really like it.

The white of his eyes started to become more green too, though they won't become black like the alphas, since izuku wasn't born a mermaid, his featured would still look more human like.

Overal, izuku loved the new changes. What he didn't love was all the new agonizing pain that came with it. Izuku wanted to just get his tail, and swim around for food like his instincts have been practically yelling at him to do.

Thats another thing that's been happening lately. His inner Omega has been screaming at him to protect, to provide. He's been rebuilding his temporary nest forever, his Omega forseome reason wanting to make it bigger to get ready for something. All he's been thinking about it to prepare. But prepare for what?

Izukus over it, he just wants sleep. Looking around, he notices katsuki is still out hunting for fish. So izuku lays down in his unfinished nest, tired snd grumpy. Maybe when he wakes up, he'll feel better.


Izuku did NOT feel better.

About twenty minutes into his nap, he started feeling an excruciating pain. His legs felt like they were gonna fall off. Izuku was crying, clutching himself like a child to ease the pain. That's when katsuki showed up, huridly dripping whatever fish he caught and rushing over to his mate.

Katsuki pulled izuku into the water, holding him close as he carefully dropped him in. The fresh salt water felt amazing against the Omega's skin, cooling him down and allowing him to to try and focus.

Though the pain was blinding still, causing izuku to whimper and katsuki to hold him tighter.

"It's ok"

"It's almost over"

"You've got it baby, you're almost done"

"Your going to look so pretty. Such a good Omega. "

Katsuki kept whispering kind words, encouraging him while izuku started to slip off. His body was tired, and eventually the pain came to a stop. By that time, all izuku wanted to do was take a nap. So he did.

The Omega closed his eyes, feeling safe in the arms of his mate, and utterly exhausted.

He wonders what his tail looks like.

Long time no see everyone. Sorry for the really long wait, I've been going through some stuff. But don't worry! I plan on having the next chapter out tmrw. And it'll be a spicy one, meaning we'll figure out how two mermaids go together.

Thanks for reading! <3

Oh and feel free to point out any grammar or spelling mistakes. I'm my own beta reader so I don't always catch my mistakes, I'd appreciate it!

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