chapter 1

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Blue flames surrounded him, the screams of his people grew louder and louder. So much pain and suffering circles around him while he curled into a ball, trying to will the sounds away when he finally looked around, a scared hand reaches out for him. Once delicate and soft pale skin now scorched underneath the rein of the heated blue flames, burning the flesh down to the bone. Looked up further he could see dull green eyes, pleading for him to escape, to run.
Dark hair fell over her face, being burnt into her skin.


Izuku suddenly woke up with a shriek, feeling the cold ice water being splashed over his body. He was already shivering before, barely any cloths kept his body warm to begin with.

Coughing a bit, he sat up and looked around before peering into crazed golden feline eyes.
"Sorry Zuku, you were taking so long to wake up Shiggy sent me to wake you up... ~"
Toga squatted down to Izukus level, her alpha scent filling to the brim with misplaced excitement.
"To bad he won't let me cut you awake anymore.... I loved watching you jolt awake when my blade hit your skin. You look so cute all cut up! "

The alpha giggled, placing the dull side of the knife just under his chin.
The crew didn't do much for him, but he was glad Shigiraki placed some rules and limits on how the crew could treat him. He couldn't work if he could barely move, so the torture was cut to a minimum.

Sadly though, that didn't stop some members when the captain wasn't looking. Though they didn't do much, just some quick punches or so to let their frustrations out. If Shigiraki caught wind of them being disobedient to his orders, he'd go ballistic.

Toga popped up, dusting her leather skirt off before turning to skip to the door. And just like that, she was gone.

Izuku groaned when he moved, sleeping on the hard wooden floor made his body ache. Especially when he  couldn't sleep from the boat constantly rocking back and forth from the waves. He's just lucky he wasn't the type to get sea sick.

The cold water soaked his raggs and slowly trickled down his forearms, he shook his arms in an attempt to get any extra water off before pushing himself completely off the floor.
The Omega stretched a little, trying to will the aches and pains away. He ruffled his own hair a bit before slipping on his shoes and walking up the steps to the deck.

He grumbled a but, feeling the harsh rays of the sun blind him when he opened the trap door.

'Another day in hell....'


When Izuku said another day in hell, he was exaggerating.

His job on the boat was simple. He did all the dirty work, cleaning and such, as well as being the crews resonated punching bag. If he fought back, it be worse.
He shudders a bit when he remembered getting so mad and fed up, the next guy that touched him got a punch to the face. It was a short relieved moment of victory. Soon, he was being pulled by the hair, dragged and chained underneath the deck. Each crew member got a chance to have at it with him however they want.

He remembers sobbing so hard his throat ran raw to the point he couldn't talk for days. He also remembers begging whatever deity or god that existed to end him and bring him some sort of mercy. It didn't happen.

He was so beat up and so weak from exhaustion, Shigiraki actually had to stop them because he didn't want his little prize of a Omega to die.

Even though the captian often intervened with stuff like that, he was one of the worst when it came to the Omega's torture. Besides, he was too immature to actually think of putting up laws and rules like that. That was all kuroguri, a emotionless shadow person, made of black fog and dark mist. Kuroguri was never directly nice to him. He only made sure the young Omega didn't die. He seemed to be the captains advisor of some sort. Izuku wasn't exactly sure what the betas role on the ship was, but he looked to have more respect amongst the crew then the captian. He was also the one with the most sense.

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