chapter 3

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Katsuki could faintly see the round chubby cheeks, soft wild curls circled his face like a angel. Those big wide eyes still held contact with his. He wasn't sure what to do, katsuki didn't plan this far ahead when the human noticed him.

He didn't seem like the rest of the humans, he could tell that far. And that knowledge alone filled him with relief. Still, he shouldn't be drooling over some human he finds attractive when he's being held captive in a ship, and could die any minute by the lead alphas command.

He tried to growl at him, but the cloth still muffled. Even so he couldn't bring himself to threaten the small human who was in obvious distraught, so the sound came out like a whine.

Katsuki's face flushed red when he realized what sound he just made. A desperate whine.
That was NOT supposed to be what came out.

Katsuki hung his head and grumbled. Great, now he seems pathetic.

His head snapped back up when he heard the sound of shuffling. He watched as the small land dweller staggered up and leaned against a wall for support. Walking over slowly, Izuku finally stood right in front of him, still at a safe distance before bending down to sit. His legs shook as he tried, clearly in pain.

The green man took a steady breath, his scared scent mellowing out into a calm, more natural smell, yet he couldn't completely sooth away the underlining scent of hurt.
Katsuki took a deep breath, his pupils widening.


Katsuki has never smelt an omegan human. He's very familiar of the Omega's in his pod and clan, but this was a little different. His scent was stronger, and much more prominent then the omegas from the water. Normally, strong smells disgusted the blonde but for some reason, this smell was a perfect blend of rain and plants. He could detect herbs that he both knew of and had never smelt before. There was so much scents, an underlining smell of honey mixed into it, along the forest air. There was so much but it harmonized so well together. Even though there was still a slightly rotting scent from his earlier distress, katsuki couldn't help but feel at ease.

The alpha snapped back into reality when the Omega moved. Katsuki shifted further back into his corner and tried to hiss an actual hiss this time. Even if he's an omega, and even if he seems non-threatening he can't underestimate him. Omegas can be scary when they want, contrary to what the other sub genders think.

The omega looked up at him, his eyes meeting his own once again and dammit, he couldn't help but get lost in them every time.
This time, up close he could see small honey brown spots, scattered across his face. They reminded him of the stars he sees at night when he goes up to the surface, the little specs gave him a soft, earthy look that just felt right for him. Katsuki had never seen spots on someone's face, he wasn't sure of that was a common thing in humans or not but he's never seen a mer with small spots like those.
They made him look even more beautiful. The little omega looked more like part fairy or fae then just a human. He wouldn't be surprised if he was.

Izuku put his hands up in surrender, tilting his head and showing his neck as a sign of submission. Katsuki could see the unmarked scent glands on his neck, a sight that showed he meant no harm.

The alpha, with his fins still flared up let himself relax a little bit. Maybe the human was like him, held prisoner. It would explain why he was hurt and down here. He took notice of his wounds. His beautiful face has a large, ugly purple bruise on his right cheek, his eye above it was slightly swollen and he could see a poorly healed busted lip.
He knew humans were cruel, but to do that to their own kind? It made him sick.

"H... Hi..... I uh, I don't know if you can understand me... But I want to h-help you.....I'm going to take the gag out of your mouth.... Please don't bite me... "

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