chapter 12

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*Warning: NSFW*

When Izuku woke up, he felt light and airy.

He also wasn't in pain, which was a good thing.

Izuku felt two strong arms wrapped around him, the familiar scent of his mate felt heavy in the air. In fact, the air felt different even without his mates scent.

Izuku open his eyes, his mind fuzzy, trying to focus on everything in front of him. When  he realized what be was looking at, his breath stopped.

The air felt different becausr it wasn't air at all, izuku was surrounded by water. Looking around, he could see he was in a small underwater cave with some plants around the perimeter.

Izuku tried to sit up, to move his legs but something else moved instead. Something much more strong, flexible, and long.

His tail, it was his tail!

Izuku was gaping at the sight. His tail was a beautiful dark green, reflecting other colors with their shiny ombre scales. His fins were frilly and soft, like bunched up silk at the end of a dress. The ends of his fins reminded him of a beta fish, flowing freely through the water. Izuku looked at his hand, the tips  of his claws were an inky black, silky find like that on his tail lined along his arms. Small scales of various shades of green were plastered around parts of his body, occupied by his cluster of freckles.

"So, how do you like it?"

Izuku turned his head around, almost forgetting that he was cuddled up to his mate.
Izuku smiled wide, his sharp teeth shining back at katsuki.

"I love it! It's so... "

"Pretty?" Katsuki smiled softly, nuzzling into the Omega's neck.

"You look so beautiful.. "

Izuku flushed a bright red, looking back at his tail. The alpha was right, he felt pretty with his tail. It felt weird to be happy about how he looked, he can't remember that last time he looked at himself and liked how he was...

"Is there any other differences? Like, besides the tail, scales, and gills. What else do I have?" Izuku looked around his body curiously. How mich had he changed? He wanted to know if there were any other cool features he had now!

Katsuki looked at him, an idea flasking in his mind, a knowing look flashing on his face.

"Well.... Yeah, you have a couple cool new things.. " katsuki traced his fingers along the Omega's new gills, they fluttered as izuku got chills from the light touches.

"For one, stick out your tongue, feel it."

Izuku cocked his head to the side curiously before doing what the alpha said. Izuku opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, seeing how it got significantly longer. His finger reached out to feel it, his face lighting up.

"Oh! It's ribbed! Like yours! " Izuku happily chirped out.

"Yeah, we use it to groom each other's hair and scales, it's used mostly on mates and pups. "

Izuku got s warm feeling in his stomach about the mention of pups. He wondered what his and katsukis pups would look like....

"You wanna know something else?"

Izuku shook out of his thought, eagerly nodding his head. Katsuki smiled at his mates enthusiasm, it was adorable.

"Well.... Everything on you has changed to accommodate to the water.... From your fins.... Your scales..... " katsuki traced his clawed hand down izuku head, his neck and shoulders.

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