iv. demigod endeavors

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Annabeth led Hana back towards the cabins and Hana was sure that if she hadn't she would've been completely lost. Thankfully, Annabeth was in a better mood, too. So, the blonde didn't look like she wanted to murder every single person on the planet, however, Hana still thought she looked intimidating. Annabeth had curly blonde hair and tan skin that made her look like the average Californian girl, but her eyes were gray and calculating. Like she was thinking a thousand thoughts per second.

"What do you think of camp so far?" Annabeth asked, her arm still linked with the brunette's.

Hana smiled, "It seems great. It might take some getting used to-especially some of the activities, but I think I'll manage."

Annabeth laughed, "Yeah the activities are a little dangerous, but they are meant to be. The world is a dangerous place for people like us, you can't even let your guard down, remember that Hana."

The brunette nodded. She was sure Annabeth meant that in the nicest way possible, but in reality it sounded like her life had just been sold to the gods. She didn't have a choice now.

The girls made their way towards the cabins and despite the fact that Percy had already given Hana a tour of the camp, Annabeth still pointed a few things out and gave her a mini rundown of the camp. She gave way more in depth answers than Percy.

Then, they approached the Aphrodite cabin and Hana had to stop herself from staring with how many kids were going in and out of the cabin, straightening and watering the plants or sweeping the already clean floors.

"Are these all children of Aphrodite?" Hana asked.

Annabeth didn't look surprised at the amount of campers, "Yep, Apollo has got a lot too."

Hana nodded and before she could contemplate the amount of siblings she had, Kade spotted her and grabbed her arm and pulled her into the cabin, "Come on, you've gotta meet everyone."

Before Hana even took a step into the cabin, a girl squealed excitedly and gave her a hug, "You must be the new camper everyone is talking about! Oh my gods, your dress! You look beautiful!" She gushed.

The girl was around the same height as Hana, maybe slightly shorter. She had long brown hair that fell perfectly down her back and over her shoulders and she had a very large smile that brightened her entire face.

Another girl came up from behind the brunette and chided gently, "Give the girl some space to breathe, Lillian. She just got here."

The girl---Lillian, gave Hana what she interpreted as an oops-I-got-caught kind of look and Hana smiled.

The other girl looked older than she or Lillian was and she held herself with respect, but Hana wasn't intimidated at all. She was taller and had long, curled black hair and stunning blue eyes.

"Silena, this is Hana. The newest member of the family," Kade introduced.

Silena smiled kindly, "Welcome to Cabin ten, Hana."

"Thanks," Hana looked around the cabin. All of the campers in her cabin were her siblings. Hana couldn't get over that. Coming from a small family of just her, her dad and her stepmom, having so many siblings was something that Hana was not used to.

Suddenly, Lillian clapped her hands together, "Your bed is right below mine! We are bunk mates! How exciting is that?"

Hana wasn't sure what to say, but luckily, she was saved by Silena, "Girls, make sure your beds are made! Look at the boys' side, they are already done."

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