vi. the mark of daedalus

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That night after dinner, Quintus had all of the campers suit up in full combat armor. It was like they were preparing for a full-fledged battle—which, from what she had heard from other campers, they probably were. It was now making more sense. Judging by the roars coming from the forest, the crates that had disappeared in the area had probably been emptied into there.

Hana was repeatedly tapping her fingers against her leg with one hand while the other was wrapped around her stomach as she waited in anticipation for Quintus to explain what the hell they were supposed to be doing. Her mind was racing, she kept on repeating what Quintus had said to her and Percy and what was written on the crates. She could clearly remember the warning label containing 'EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL DEATHS' and Quintus' laid back smile when he assured them they would love it. There was no part in EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL DEATHS that sounded like something she would even partially love. Gods, imagine how embarrassing it would be if she died the second day of camp. The other campers would be laughing their asses off at the pathetic daughter of Aphrodite who hardly knew how to fight.

Hana was too wrapped up in her own thoughts she didn't even realize someone had joined her, standing in the clearing right in front of the forest, where Quintus would explain the task a little more thoroughly.

"Hey," They said, causing Hana to whip her head around in surprise. Percy didn't seem to notice her surprise too much though, his apparently signature crooked grin still on his face. "Are you excited for this?"

"Gods, no," Hana told him honestly, "I got to camp yesterday. There is no way I am ready for this."

Percy shook his head like he didn't believe her, "Oh come on, don't you remember fighting off the empousai yesterday? You were a natural, you've got nothing to worry about."

Hana raised her eyebrows, unconvinced. "What about you?" She asked, "Are you excited?"

Percy shook his arms a little bit, like he was warming up to punch something, "A little. It'll be good to get some practice in," He paused for a moment, then as if a literal lightbulb lit up in his head, he said, "Hey, if we get to have a partner, want to be together?" Then he blushed, his cheeks turning a light pink, "I mean—do you want to be partners—for the game. Not like 'be together' in any other way, that would be weird. I just met you. Wait no. Not that you're weird or anything—"

Hana laughed as she interrupted his rambling, "Yes! We can be partners for the game, Percy. That way you can make sure I am still alive in time for the campfire."

Percy nodded and rubbed the nape of his neck, "Yes, okay. I can do that."

Hana smiled at him but before she could say anything else, Quintus cleared his throat.

"Right," He said, standing on one of the picnic benches in the clearing, "Gather 'round."

The man was dressed in black leather and bronze. In the torchlight, Hana thought his gray hair made him look like a ghost. Stop it, Hana told herself, don't freak yourself out more than you already have, he doesn't look like a ghost.

"You will be in teams of two," Quintus announced. Immediately Hana turned her attention to Percy who gave her his mischievous grin again and they high-fived. Perfect, maybe she wouldn't die that night then. "Which have already been chosen!" He yelled over all of the talking campers.

Hana groaned as everyone else complained, nevermind then. She was dead.

"Your goal is simple: collect the gold laurels without dying. The wreath is wrapped in a silk package, tied to the back of one of the monsters. There are six monsters. Each has a silk package. Only one holds the laurels. You must find the wreath before the other teams. And, of will have to slay the monster to get it, and stay alive."

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