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( Neteyam is 16 rn in prologue, going to be 17 in year skip)

I stared up at the stars, each one telling me a different story. When I was young I would stare at the stars as they were my only comfort. Even though I was alone, without anyone to show concern or fuss about me, no one to care, it didn't feel like it when I looked up at the sky.

" Riti?!!" I heard his loud ass yell for me.

" Up here you skxawng."

I could practically hear Neteyam rolling his eyes. But I still watched the stars. I didn't quite care how he was going to get up this tree but I knew he would find a way. He always did.

" How'd you know where I was?"

Neteyam laughed, a beautiful sound. It was pure and bright. I loved it even being his best friend since we were kids. The first time I heard his laugh I decided I wanted to hear it again and again.

" Your always here at night, your never sleep with the clan"

" You're right, I mean why are YOU here?"

" Mom and Dad are out on date night."

I turned and looked at him, surprised to see him already looking at me, " You're usually babysitting by now."

He smiled. My heart was doing that thing again. It's been happening more lately, I tried to ask the healers about it at camp but they all said I was in perfect health. They made me uncomfortable because they all started sharing this look and secret smiles when I told them that there was something wrong with my heart. They were obviously wrong because my heart was skipping a lot lately, especially whenever Netayam smiled.

" Tuk's sleeping, Kiri is learning medicine from grandmother and Lo'ak is grounded."

I laughed, " Why am I not surprised?"

" Why have you been avoiding me?" He asked quite bluntly.

He did seem hurt, which made me feel guilty. How did I explain to him that he quite literally make my heart run out of my chest.

Before I could open my mouth to give a bullshit reason, he spoke with a heavy accent, "I miss you Ri."

I turned and stared at him, he was going to give me a heart attack. So I did the only thing I could think of, I slapped him.

" OWWW." he held his arm like a baby

" Why are you saying emotional shit to me"

He laughed but I smacked him again, and kept on smacking him. He tried to take cover under his arms, but even then he couldn't escape my wrath.

He grabbed my hands groaning, " Okay, okay. I'll stop."

I huffed and layed back down.

We sat in silence for about 2 minutes but because Neteyam doesnt understand the concept of peace, " Do you remember when we first met?"


He whipped his head to look at me, hitting my face with his braids.

" I will shave your head if you ever do that to me again." I stated, but when I turned to look a him he was glaring at me.

I groaned " Yes, Neteyam I remember when we first met. I haven't gotten peace since."

He pushed my shoulder, " Oh please, You'd be bored without me."

" You'd be boring without me." I snarked back

" Not true, I am interesting with or without you."

" Really, how so?" I raised a brow at him

" I hate you."

I laughed so loud I think I scared a few ikran.

I loved these moments, moments where Neteyam and I would watch the stars, bickering back and forth. If this would be the rest of my life then I would probably die happy.

" What are you thinking about?"

It hasn't even been a minute since we last spoke.

" I am happy." I said truly stating my feelings

I felt a slap to my side, " YOU SKXAWNG!" I groaned

" You were saying emotional shit." He mocked me

I tugged on one of his braids. I remember how long his hair was before he was taught how to braid by his mom. Because I didn't have one, he did mine for me. At the time they weren't good and Netyri took pity on me and fixed them. It was the first time I was envious of Neteyam for having a mother.

" Are you listening to me?"

" yes."

" what did I just say?"


He groaned, " I was saying that you should come back with me, everyone misses you."

I've been so lost in trying to figure out why my heart had been acting up that I didn't realize that I had been isolating myself.

"I will, but can we stay here for a few more moments?" I sighed, feeling the immense comfort I always felt when I was with Neteyam under the stars.

I felt his eyes on me, and I waited for him to say something, when he didn't I snapped.

" Okay what the hell are you staring at, do i have something on my face?"

He cleared his throat, and nodded, " yeah you have something on your cheek."

I raised my hand to wipe it away, " did I get it?"

" No."

I whipped my cheeks again and looked at him, he smiled and reached over to touch my cheek. Sparks set my cheek on fire and I was pretty sure I wasn't breathing. I stared into his eyes that glowed in the dark and the white freckles that sprinkled his face. They reminded me of the stars.

He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck " I got it."

" thanks." I said a little breathlessly laying back down

" always."

We sat there staring at the sky for a good while, until I saw something that was different, a star shinning a little too brightly.

" Netty."

"Hmm?" he groaned as he had fallen asleep.

" Netty somethings wrong."

He sat up quickly looking around searching for any danger.

" What's wrong Ri?"

"Look." I pointed at the star that was coming, becoming brighter and brighter by the second.

" We need to Run, RUN!" I screamed at Nettayam and he quickly called to his Ikran. We jumped on as fast as we could, and headed towards the clan.

I wish I wouldn't have turned around, because when I did all I saw was destruction. Destruction and death everywhere. I let out a sob, my home, the creatures, the land, everything was in flames. I felt like I had just lost someone close to me, the loss of my sanctuary....

" Ri, Ri."Neteyam squeezed my thigh for comfort, upset just like me.I buried my face into his back hiding me from the destruction that was catching up with us and fast.

" We're going to be okay Ri."

He sped up. That was the day everything changed.

Ma Meuia (NETEYAM)Where stories live. Discover now