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I saw red. My little brother was outside the reef..ALONE! Because of Ao'nung!

He could be dead. I hissed at Ao'nung and Neteyam caught me before I launched myself at him.He crossed the line.

" You stupid son of a bitch." I cursed at him in english. 

At least he had the decency to look guilty, his ears were back and he was staring at the floor.

" How long ago was this?" Neteyam asked coldly, a hard set to his jaw.

"..right after the fight."

Neteyam breathed in and then grabbed Ao'nung by the back of his neck, dragging him to our hut.

"Let go!"

" I would shut up if I were you." I say in a cold voice.

Neteyam didn't look at me, stomping toward our hut with his braids swinging with the movement.

" if anything happens to my little brother" His eyes held daggers.

 " I will blame you."

Ao'nung audibly gulped.We reached the hut and Neteyam shoved Ao'nung in front of him. Jake and Kiri were sitting on the deck looking at us confused.

" Tell him what you told me." Neteyam demanded Ao'nung.

We needed to have a search party out.Jake immediately sprung into action running to tell Tonowari about the situation.

I didn't hesitate to call an Ilu. I should be a part of the search party to find my own family.

Neteyam called my name but I didn't look back at him, already diving into the water.

I reached the reef and was about to go through when I was pulled back. I turned and it was Neteyam.

" We can't go outside the reef."  He said panting a little bit. 

" Fuck that. Lo'ak is out there, ALONE!"

" You don't think I know that? You don't think I know that my little brother has been out there for hours and could be dead? I know that, Riti. But I can't worry about you while I need to worry about him. I need to know you're safe so that I can focus my attention on him."

I looked at him and clenched my jaw. I know he was right, but still I couldn't just do nothing . He was my little brother too. I was there when he failed his first time at getting on an Ikran, I was there to coach him through it, I was there when he learned how to shoot a bow, and teach him how to use a dagger, I was there when he almost got himself killed on multiple occasions. Hell I was there to beat him up for almost getting himself killed ON those multiple occasions. 

I would protect him with my life, but I would never tell him that. I would do the same for Kiri, Tuk, and Neteyam. Because that is what Jake and Neytiri have taught me, to protect the ones that I love.  

" We are trusting strangers. Strangers whose sons" I hissed 

" Where the ones that put him in this position. WE ARE HIS FAMILY! We should be looking for him!"

He shook his head and sighed like he has had enough of me. 

 " You're behaving like a child. You aren't thinking this through."

Ouch. I held back my tears and nodded my head at him. He didn't even try and see it from my perspective.

I turned back anyways heading to shore. I would listen to him because of the respect and love I had for him. He trusted these people enough to find his little brother so... I just had to trust him. 

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