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Neteyam Pov

This was a bad idea. A very very very bad idea.

Everyone was staring at my girl right now. I thought that after I showed them that we were together, they would piss off. But they did not stop staring, not even when I kissed her. To be honest I wouldn't either. Not with the way the fire light was hitting her face, it made her look angelic. Her orange eyes almost looked red, and her hair was in a low bun with a few strands in her face. It was held up by a small band that Tuk gave to her. It was small little shells decorating it. She was always the most beautiful girl in the room but she practically glowed right now.

I crossed my arms with a glare, no one else should be able to look at her. I tried to cover her up but she threatened to cut me. I knew her well enough that she would make do on that promise

Ao'nung smirked at me. I wanted to slap the smug look off his face.


"You don't look happy, my friend."

I grunted, my ears going back as I saw a guy getting a little too close to her.

He had been inching closer to her the entire time we've been here.

I didn't like it.

Ri was conversing with Roxto. He introduced her to his cousin, who looked almost exactly like him. When she saw that Roxto wasn't Roxto and in fact his cousin she went blank for a few minutes. Like literally just stood there and blinked at them with her mouth open in shock. When it finally registered in her head she accusingly pointed at Roxto's cousin, " You-YOU!"

He laughed nervously. He hurriedly walked in the opposite direction, knowing if he stayed any longer he would be in danger.

"All this time I thought that asshole was you." She said apologetically to Roxto.

He shrugged with a smile, "It is okay. Most people do"

" Well now I feel like crap!" Riti groaned.

As Roxto tried to reassure her I was stuck thinking about how I can kidnap her away from this stupid ass bonfire. Who's idea was it to come anyway?Oh....right.

"You are whipped bro." Ao'nung threw an arm around my shoulders and I pushed it off.

"Shut up, BRO."

He raised his hands as if to say surrender, " Look no hard feelings? About the whole asking out your girlfriend thing?"

I glared at him, there were definitely hard feelings.

"I mean, you can't blame me. Riti is smokin, and she's got a good personality too. Plus you guys weren't even together."

I clenched my jaw, and counted to three.

"What about the bullying and harassment after that?"

He winced, "yeah sorry about that."

I sighed, I rethought all my life choices.

"We're good."

Ao'nung looked at me surprised, "Really?"

I nodded, Riti, Kiri and Lo'ak have forgiven him, so I can too. Although I'm pretty sure Lo'ak just forgave him because he was Tsireya's brother. Either way I couldn't have any problems with anyone here, we were guests. My dad already had enough on his plate and I didn't want to add another problem ontop of it. At least that was what I was trying to tell myself. 

"Friends?" He lifted a hand and I looked at him cautiously.

I shook his hand, he was the chief's son and.. It wouldn't hurt to have a friend.

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