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The thing that caused all the destruction wasn't a star, it was the sky people. Back again to steal the land that didn't belong to them. They destroyed everything in their path. Toruk Makto led ambushes, stealing their weapons and declining their further advances to take over Pandora. Neteyam, Lo'ak, and I were spotters. We flew in the sky, spotting bogies and gunships, it was boring as hell and we all wanted to be on the floor, helping out. But Jake was insistent that this was as far as we go. Realllly insistent.

Except Lo'ak couldn't get that through his thick fat skull.

" Guys we have got to get down there." He said as we rode on our ikran.

Neteyam shook his head being the big brother and I groaned

" No way, Dad will skin us."

" He will skin us and then sew us back together just to do it again!"

I agreed, I felt Lo'aks urge to help on the ground but times are tough and Jake has been really stressed out lately. The past year everything has changed, Jake became more strict and military-like and Netayam had more responsibilities as ever with everything going on. Half the time I felt like I was part of the responsibility. I helped out with Tuk and helped Kiri with supplies for the medicine , and most nights I guarded the grounds. Not everyone knew about the forest like I did, I grew up knowing every nook and cranny of this place. With us both being busy I didn't think it was possible but we had drifted. Hardly talking had put a strain on my heart, but I wasn't going to bother Neteyam just because what? I missed him? He would probably laugh in my face. I would rather eat poisonous berries and die than face that embarrassment.

" Common, Don't be a wuss." Lo'ak challenged us as he flew to the ground.

" Lo'ak GET BACK HERE YOU!" He looked at me and I felt his anger

I cursed, " He's going to get himself killed. Then he's going to kill us because we are going to follow his sorry ass."

" Stay here Riti." He begged of me

I scoffed, " Fuck no. Common you know me better than that"

I gave him a wink as I flew after Lo'ak and Neteyam let out a groan of annoyance.

We chased after Lo'ak everyone grabbing weapons from the boxes, fire and depress everywhere.

" LO'AK."

"If we don't die here then I will kill him with my bare hands." I hissed.

Neteyam shot me a look of anxiety in his gaze.Lo'ak was handed a gun and he did a warrior cry.

" Idiot."

" You don't even know how to use it." Neteyam grabbed his arm

He cocks the gun, " Dad taught me."

" Put the damn gun down and lets go." I snarled looking around. We where going to get in so much trouble, more specifically Neteyam was going to get in a lot of trouble. It wasn't his fault but he took the blame a lot for Lo'ak. 


" Shit, SHIT"

I grabbed Neteyam and Lo'ak dragging them to our Ikran. I called mine, " ALE COME"

We ran jumping over depress, Neteyam caught me before I tripped pulling me along, taking the lead.

Explosions happened around us and we were so close. I felt a sharp pain to my head and everything went black.

Neteyam pov:

I opened my eyes, my back on fire, swimming into my vision I saw dad. I let out a groan.

" What are you doing here boy what the hell were you thinking?"

I tried to breath through the pain " I'm sorry. I'm sorry sir."

I was in so much trouble. He threw me over his shoulder but as my memory was coming back I gasped.

" Put me down." I rasped. 

" what?"

" Put me Down!"

He placed me back on my feet but I stumbled to where I last saw Riti, the last thing I remembered was her hand slipping through mine.

"Neteyam we need to go!"

" ITS RITI DAD!" I turned around " I'm NOT GOING TO LOSE HER!"I tried to hold in my tears. 

" I'll find her, I'll find her just get back to the ikran's."

I hesitated


" Yes sir." I said defeated.

Lo'ak came and helped me walk to the Ikran.

" Riti, she has to be okay."
" She will be big bro, you know how strong she is." He tried to convince me but he look worried. 

" if anything happens to her."

 I closed my eyes burying the emotions of fear and anger. Anger at Lo'ak for not heading my words, Anger at myself for not being able to protect either of them, scared because I didn't want to lose my best friend. The only person who truly got me, who makes my heart beat faster than it should and brings happiness to every moment I'm with her. This past year we have drifted but It changed nothing. I still..I still felt - I still needed her. I always needed her. I would do anything to see those beautiful orange eyes again. Anything.

" Dad will find her, he will."

I prayed silently to the great mother, please let her be okay.

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