Chapter 6

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I ran out the door laughing and jumped over in the bed of my beautiful shiny red truck. I just like the fact that its mine. My truck. Anyways I laid down hiding. When I heard the door open and close I thought it was Louis coming to get me.

I was always bad at hide and seek because when ever the person got close I would always giggle and I could never stop my self.

I heard foot steps coming closer and closer. I was trying to contain myself but a few seconds later I busted out laughing. I was laying on my back looking up at the sky expecting Louis to pop up but instead I saw dark brown curly locks. Heh.. Locks its kind of a funny word.

I look up at him smiling. He smiled back showing off he beautiful dimples. "Hey love. I uh just wanted to make sure you were okay and everything." He stumbled out the words as I giggled. "I'm fine I just wanted to scared Lou." I said with a cheeky grin.

"Let's do it!" He said excitement flooding out with his words. "Okay!" I laughed and he hopped in crouching down next to me. I could tell he was growing impatient and I was getting a little bored as well. Just as I was about to say something the front door flew open.

I peeked out looking a Lou as he started to jog down the path in my front yard. I waited until he was really close. Me and Harry exchanged looks and jumped out screaming scaring Louis so bad he tumbled over into the green grass which hide hard acorns that fellfrom the tree above. Harry and I started cracking up but Louis didn't think it was funny.


I ran outside and started to jog to the mail box. I'm not sure why but I did. Once I got over there Amanda and Harry jumped out from the bed of her truck and scared the crap out of me. I lost my balance and fell into the grass landing on hard acorns wincing at the pain.

I waited until they were finish laughing then I got up and ran back in the house hiding behind the wall that led to the front door. Amanda and Harry ran in looking for me and right before they turned the corner I jumped out and scared them.

After laughing and soaking in my revenge I left with a satisfied look on my face. I sat on the couch in what we called "the back tv room" or "the game room" and turned on the telli.


Amanda and I were laughing at the look of satisfaction on Lou's face as he proudly left the room. Amanda yawned. I just looked down and smile at her. She looked but up and returned it. I started to lean down to kiss her but she looked down shying away from me. I accepted that I wasn't going to get a kiss.

I pulled my phone out pulling up my contacts and clicked add new and handed it to her. She smiled and started typing. Her name was simple but yet so cute. It was:

Amanda Tomlinson(:

I smiled and shoved my phone back in my pocket. "I think I'm going to go to sleep." She said looking at the ground. I didn't understand why she was getting so shy all of a sudden. "Goodnight love." I said lifting up her chin so that I could look into her beautiful eyes. We hugged and then headed our seperate ways.


We were sitting in Jessica's room talking about whatever came to mind. It was nice just talking to someone like this. I didn't mind looking at her either. It was getting late and I started to get tired but I wanted to stay and keep talking to her.

She started yawning so I thought I should probably go and let her sleep. "Am I keeping you away love?" I asked her. She giggled and shook her head but I knew she was lying. "I'll let you sleep goodnight." I said smiling. "Goodnight." She replied smiling back.

I didn't know if I should try and kiss her or not but. You have the balls use them! I thought to myself so I slowly leaned in but got nervous and kissed her cheek. We smiled at each other and I left the room.


Once Niall shut the door I waited for him to walk down the hall. When he was gone I started to jump up and down on my bed giggling still feeling the kiss lingering on my cheek. I quickly sat back down. What did this mean? Does he like me? Oh those lips! I couldn't stop smiling. Tonight was perfect. I turned out the light and snuggled up under the covers still smiling from the kiss. I knew what I was going to dream about tonight.

Not dirty! Okay maybe dirty.. Then a thought came through my mind. Where's mom and dad? I figured that I'd just ask Lou in the morning. I drifted off into a peaceful sleep still smiling about what previously happened but the though of not knowing where my parents were lingered in the back of my head.

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