Chapter 16

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"Ready?" Liam asked me. I nodded vigorously which made him chuckle. "Okay, on the count of three. One... Two... Tree!" He yelled. We ran into all of the bedrooms with pots and pans and started to bang on then with medal spatulas. Once they woke up we yanked open the curtains. When I went into Niall's room I was about to start banging on the pan I had but he wasn't in his bed. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I swiftly turned around. He had a devious smile on his face which made me a little nervous. "Oh hey Niall! I was just, um" I tried to come up with a good excuse but he put his finger over my lips to refrain me from speaking."Save it Tomlinson." he whispered. On that note he picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. "Niall put me down right now!" I demanded. He just laughed and tossed me on his bed. I looked up at him frustrated but I still smiled at him. I couldn't help it. He came closer to the bed and reached for a hug. Right as he was about to wrap his arms around my waist he started to tickle me. I started laughing and squirming hysterically. "Niall! Stop!" I squealed. "Not until you admit that I won." he said obviously proud of his statement "Fine! You win! You win!" I replied still giggling from his ticklish fingers. He stopped and just smiled at me proudly. I smiled back at him.

Right then and there I got the perfect idea to get my revenge. I slowly leaned to him, as I glanced at his lips. He did the same. Right as our lips started to touch i pulled away quickly. "I think I'm going to go get some breakfast!" I said cheerfully. I got up and started to walk to the door. When I turned around I saw a boy that looked like a lost puppy. I just smiled and blew him a kiss and walked out.


I have to admit I was shocked with her choice of revenge. I was going to get that kiss. I jumped off of my bed and jogged out he door. When I saw her walking in the hallway I slowly crept up behind her and tackled her on to the ground. She was lying on her back and I laid on top of her."Niall what the heck are you doing?!" Jessica asked giggling. I just smiled at her and slowly leaned down to her ear to where my lips touched her neck. "I'm going to get that kiss." I whispered. With that comment I pulled my head back up to where I could see her beautiful blue eyes. I glanced at her lips. She smiled and slid her hand through my hair. I tilted her chin up and kissed her which lead to another and another and another..

I was enjoying this quite a bit, but of course in this flat you're bound to get caught. "AAAHHH MY EYES!" Amanda screamed and ran and jumped over us, darting down the stairs. Jessica and I just looked at one another and bursted out laughing. I got to my feet then helped her up and we walked down the stairs side by side, then to the kitchen to find Amanda and Liam whispering. Amanda was facing us and Liam had his back to this kitchen opening thing. Once Amanda saw us she slapped her hand over Liam's mouth. "No Liam! I will not shave your back hair!" she yelled showing that she was offended. He took her hand off his face with a confused expression. Amanda pointed at us with her eyes and Liam turned around to see us standing in the kitchen. Realization filled his face and he turned swiftly back to Amanda. "Fine then! I won't pop your shoulder pimples!" Liam yelled.

Jessica and I looked at each other then back at Liam and Amanda. "Well you two have fun with ya'lls little argument but I'm going to get some food." Jessica said not surprised by their comments. Liam and Amanda started laughing and then walked into the living room.


Amanda and I left the kitchen to leave the two love birds alone to eat together. when we walked into the living room I sat down next to Zayn on the love seat. Amanda came over to us and slumped her shoulders down. "Someone scoot over I don't want to sit on the couch by myself." she pouted. "Did you hear something Zayn?" I asked. "No did you lad?" he asked smiling. "Nope." I said. Amanda left the room and once she was out of sight Zayn and I started laughing, then we turned out attention towards the telly.

Out of nowhere Amanda came up to us and she laid herself on top of Zayn and I. "What are you doing?" Zayn asked with amuse filling his voice. "Oh did you hear something baby couch?" Amanda asked, "Neither did I." she replied to the couch. She pet Zayn's knee then started to watch That 70's Show. This girl was strange but there was something about her that made her so funny and adorable. Like an innocent little girl.


I woke up later than usual today. I sat up slowly taking in the sunlight that was creeping through the curtains of my window. For some reason I've been so stressed lately. I still can't get over taking Amanda to a club. This was all my fault. But I mean it would have happened sooner or later this summer.. I think. I was done thinking about this for now. Right as I was about to get up, Amanda walked in casually shutting the door behind her.

She walked to the other side of my bed and face planted on one of my pillows and groaned. I started to laugh. "Well goodmorning to you too sunshine." I said sarcastically. "There's nothing to doooo!" She muffled into my pillow. I couldn't help but smile at her. Even when she complained she was cute. I laid back down next to her trying to think of something to do. "We could go to the beach." I suggested. Her head immediately piped up as the worlds slipped out of my mouth. "Okay!" She replied eagerly hopping up. "Wait, lay with me for a bit love." I said holding my hand out for hers. "But I really want to go to the beach!" She said impatiently. I just say there and pouted until she finally have in. Instead of going to the beach we just cuddled and talked about whatever eventually she drifted off to sleep as did I.

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