Chapter 7

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I woke up to a beautiful Irish accent. "Come on Jessica it's time to get up. You slept trough your alarm clock." His angel like voice said calmly. My eyes fluttered open and I just look up at him and smiled. "Thanks Niall." "No problem." He's looked down at me and smiled. We stayed like this for a few moments in comfortable silence then I got up and started to get ready for school.

Once I got ready I went to go to my car when Niall offered to give me a ride. I smiled and and agreed eagerly following him out the door to his black Range Rover.


"Come on Amanda! Get up!" I said trying to push her out of her bed. Se replied with a grown clearly still half asleep. "I'll get you Starbucks after track" I said convincingly. She barley opened her eyes and moved over to cuddle my leg. I smiled at this remembering how she would cuddle with the strangest things in the morning.

"Ill bring it to you outside the locker room before second period starts." I said while messing with her hair. "Yay! Thank you Lou" she said excitedly with a hint of tiredness. "You welcome" I replied. "Now hurry up and get ready!"


I got up and started my daily routine for school morning while Louis walked out. When I went to the kitchen I grabbed a water bottle and a granola bar and shoved it in my backpack. I never ate or drank anything in the mornings before track because I was afraid I would maybe through it up. When I was in cross country last season we ran mile repeats, which means running a mile over and over again. We usually ran three or four but anyways I've seen kids through up from running so hard and I thought if I didn't eat anything I would through up.

just as I was about to walk out the door I saw Harry. "Hey Harry by Harry!" I said rushing out the door. "Wait!" He called I stopped and turned around to lazy to walk back to him. "Do you need a ride?" He asked. "No I'm fine but thanks! I've got my new baby." I replied giddily looking at my truck and smiling. "Oh okay. Well have a good day at school! Four more days and then were going to the beach!" He said walking back inside.

As I got in my car setting my stuff in the passenger seat I thought. Four more days. Four more days until I graduated high school. I was so nervous and it made my head start to hurt when I thought about it so I just turned on the radio and sang until I got to school.

When my friend Meghan asked me what I was doing this summer on our way to fourth period I told her I was going to the beach. "Are you serious! That's so cool! It's good that your parents are letting you go." She said in reply. I just then realized that I haven't seen my parents in a while.

"Yea" I said in a daze before my hall way came up. We said goodbye but now I couldn't get this thought out of my head. I decided that it would be good to text Lou and see where my parents were.


I received a text from Amanda asking about here parents. I can't believe I forgot to tell her and Jessica! I added them to a group message.

Me: I forgot to tell you guys your mom and dad are off on a business trip your your dads guitar store! They are in California. Since they were there they both decided to stay for a vacation while you and Jessica came back to the UK with me and the boys.

Jessica Messica : yay! I was wondering what happened to them!

A MAN DUHH: I can't believe you forgot to tell us that! But yay! Ill start packing once I get home!

Jessica Messica: are we spending the whole summer with y'all?

Me: yes!

A MAN DUHH: I still want my Starbucks!

Jessica Messica: she get Starbucks?! No fair!

Me: Ugh! Ill bring you too some I'm at Starbucks right now! Ill text y'all when I'm at school :)

They both replayed with thanking me and now I felt how Aunt Rebecca felt taking care of these little rascals. I laughed remembering all the funny times I had with them. I was so happy that I got to spend the summer with them, I missed them so much. I just hope that Amanda would take my advice about Harry. I might have to have a talk with him when I get home. I considered wether or not if I should but after dropping off the Carmel frapochinos I decided I would.


I was on my phone scrolling through twitter bored a little sad that Amanda declined my offer to give her a ride to school but i guess it was for the best. I remembered that she put in her number last night. I smiled quickly closing out of twitter and going to my contacts. I clicked on her name and sent her a text

Me: hey it's Harry ;)

Right as I closed out of it Louis walked in and sat on the edge of the bed and looked at me. "Hey boobear!" I said. "Harry I need to talk to you." He said sternly. "Shoot." I said waiting for him to tell me what was on his mind.

"I know you like Amanda and I want you to stay away from her because she's bound to fall for you because your a flirt and she always fall for guys like you and ends up getting hurt in the end. I'm not saying you can't be her friend just back off a bit." He said taking a deep breathe. I just looked at him processing what he just said to me.

"But I really do like her. She's not just some girl to me that I'll blow off. I want to maybe have a relationship with her.." I said not thinking before I spoke. Louis just stared at me for a while not saying anything. I spoke again, "Is it that obvious I like her?" He's rolled his getting up off the bed and walked out leaving the door wide open. I plopped back on the bed rubbing my temples. What the heck was I getting myself into?

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