Chapter 1

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Morning 6:30 AM :
        Jin and Joon are sleeping peacefully until there is a loud "thud " . Jin woke up first and went out to see what happened downstairs.

The scene infront of him made him freeze on his place . And another "thud" sound brought him back to reality and he shouted "What do you think you guys are doing huh..!"

Jungkook pov :
      Morning 5:30 am
   Again it's Monday today aishhh. I don't wanna go to school today .But no one is gonna ask my opinion I have to go anyways(sigh!) .I don't know why but I really want to play now I can't sleep anymore since papa made me sleep before my bedtime yesterday as punishment . 'what should I do now hyungs are sleeping how can I wake them up '.  Suddenly an idea popped hehe I slowly went to the bathroom and brought some water and sprinkled on my hyungs and started shouting "hyungiee... Wake up its raining... We have to run.... " . They woke up tensed and i started laughing loudly. It took them two minutes to understand everything. Then tae hyung shouted " kim jungkook" . I showed him my puppy eyes " sorry hyung I just want to play with you I'm bored " .

Author's pov:

              Tae face palmed himself  " seriously jungkook at 5:45 am huh.!"
   " Jk we can play on evening I have classes today if I sleep in class then my papa is going to kill me so let me sleep".
    " Hyung please let's play please hyungiee if you both play with me now I will allow you to watch your favourite show today evening please hyung ". Begged jk
      " Ok, but papa said we shouldn't play inside the house don't you remember" asked tae
      " Yes I do but we can play silently with the ball on living room no one is gonna wake this early hyung common " said jk.
     " Ok let's go but if something happens you gonna face the consequences " said jm
     " Ufffff..... Fine hyung let's go " jk left excitedly.
      V and jm chuckled seeing the happy bunny .

       They have been playing silently until jk started
   " Hyung pass the ball to me let me play "
  " Wait jungkook it's our turn now" said jimin
  " But it's my ball " argued jk
And jk reached for the ball from tae . But tae threw it to jimin . Accidentally it hit the big family picture frame on the living room. "Thud "

     ( "Oh my god".     "we're dead"              "rip my ass" said the trio . )

       " Let's clean it . Jk move aside we will do it " said jimin .
      " Move aside everything is because of you" said v while hitting jk on his head .
    "You the one who threw the ball not me " said jk while pushing tae which caused the flower pot to fall down from the table    
        The trio froze on the spot .
              To be continued...

             This is my first Wattpad story. I hope you all will like it .

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