Chapter 22

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Author's pov:

        It's the flashback chapter i mentioned in chapter 16.

              Today the kids were eating there dinner fast as they got permission for a night stay in soobin's house. Everyone is eating their dinner except jimin.

   "Jimin eat fast don't you wanna join them"asked yoongi.

   "I'm done"said jimin pushing the plate.

   "No you are not. Look at your plate it's full you haven't even took a bite"said yoongi.

  "No I'm done" glared jimin.

   "Better lose that attitude you are not going anywhere before finishing your plate"sternly said yoongi.

  "I said I'm done"said jimin again glaring yoongi.

  "Okay baby just try to take two more bites the you are done"said hobi Trying to save his son from his furious husband.

"No you'll eat the whole thing"said yoongi glaring hobi.

"And i said NO" repeated jimin.

Everyone is watching silently the situation as no one had idea of what got into jimin.

"Hyung eat fast we're getting late"mumbled jk as they already ate and ready to go.

"We can go I'm ready"said jimin getting up.

"Kim jimin sit down now"yelled yoongi.

Jimin just glared yoongi and got up to go out. Yoongi grabbed jimin's arm and delivered a sharp spank to his thigh.

"Oww" jimin again glared yoongi as he didn't expect the spanking.

"Jimin I'm telling you the last time sit and eat or else you'll face the worst of me"said yoongi gritting his teeth.

"Jimin baby come here sit down " said hobi dragging him to the chair.

"Eat"said hobi keeping the spoon full of food infront of his mouth.

Jimin just closed his eyes and mouth tightly. Hobi looked yoongi with pleading eyes to leave him this time but recieved a glare. He sighed seeing his both stubborn boys.

"Jimin baby aren't you feeling good"asked Jin concerned.

But to his suprise jimin just glared Jin not answering. Yoongi had enough he took the spoon from hobi and brought infront of mouth.

Jimin just grabbed the spoon from yoongi frustrated and threw the spoon and plate of food on the floor.
Everyone widened their eyes seeing the disobedient jimin. Yoongi's face grew full red being furious.

"Joon hyung take jk and tae to Yeonjun's house jimin will not be coming"said yoongi gritting his teeth while unbuckling his belt.

Jk ran as fast as he could to joon's car as he know what is gonna happen next.
Joon took taehyung's hand and left as he thought jimin needs a valuable lesson.

"No I'm going too-
Jimin whined but cutoff by


"Oww papa" hissed jimin rubbing his bottom.

Yoongi didn't tell anything he just grabbed jimin's both hands in his left hand and started delivering the hits.


   Yoongi was not holding back he delivered the hits with full force. Jimin was jumping, dancing in circles to get rid of his Papa's hold but the grip was too tight for him to escape.

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