Chapter 10

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Author's pov:

Next day the kids and Jin started getting ready for the amusement park.

"Papa get ready fast let's goooo" jumped jk pulling jin's shirt.

"Wait buddy just 2 minutes" said Jin.

Joon chuckled seeing his excited bunny.

"Come here buddy let papa get ready" called Joon.

Jk sat with Joon talking about his favourite iron man toy.

"Okay let's go"said Jin.

The kids ran to the cars before Jin could finish his sentence. The elders chuckled.

"Are you sure hyung can you handle those trouble makers alone" asked yoongi for the 100th time from morning.

"I'm sure buddy if I need help I'll call you don't worry" said Jin before leaving out.

"Bye babies don't cause trouble for Jin hyung ok? enjoy your day" said yoongi saying bye.

"Papa can we eat in McDonald's on our way home" asked jk seeing outside the window.

"Sure bud"said Jin driving.

Finally they reached the place.

"Here listen me you know it's a huge place i don't want anyone of you to get lost so always stay by me and no tantrums okay?" Asked Jin seeing the kids.

"Yes papa/samchon" said the kids.

Jin got out of the car with the kids.

They went inside and got into their first ride of the day.

Jin and jk got into one bumper car and jimin and tae got to the other.

"Let's go papa just bump them" hyped jk.

They started bumping and fighting the entire place was filled with their giggles.

"Papa come lets go the next ride" jumped jk .

The kids ran to the funhouse followed by Jin.

They saw a distortion mirror and laughed seeing them on it .

"Jk see my head"said tae laughing.jk giggled.

"See me papa I'm zombie" said jk looking himself at the mirror.

Then the kids went to the rotating wheel giggling.

Jin took some picture of his kids enjoying themselves.

"Ok let's go we have more rides" said jimin dragging jk and Tae outside.

"Papa can we go the rollercoaster"asked tae.

"Yes you both can go me and jk will be there come get us after your ride"said Jin pointing towards the small rollercoaster.

"But why papa we can go to the big one too"whined jk.

"No buddy you haven't grown up that big" said Jin ruffling jk's hair.

"But no-one is gonna find it let us go there I'm tall enough" said jk pulling Jin .

"No jungkook listen we have to obey the rules you are just three years less when you grow up we can go there too" tried Jin.

"Noooooo" jk started throwing tantrum. He sat there crying like a toddler kicking his legs.

"Jimin taehyung move go to ride and come get us after that" said Jin.

They nodded and left.

"Kim jungkook if you are not getting up when I count three you are going to be in big trouble"warned Jin.

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