Chapter 91

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Author's pov:

Thank you @Sugaonus @ShaikAmeer3  and @itz_nobody_2 for suggesting this chapter. Hope you all will like it ❤️.

It's the college days of Suga. Namjin and yoonhope are already in a relationship but not married yet.they are living at different apartments.

(It's the scene mentioned in chapter 79).

"Please god please help me just this time"prayed yoongi getting inside his home nervously.

He nervously opened the door knob and gulped seeing his hyung sitting on the couch.

"Hy-ung"gulped Suga already getting teary.

"What is the time now?"asked jin dangerously calm.

"Hy-ung"stuttered yoongi clutching his shirt being nervous.

"Yes I'm hyung. Answer my damn question. What is the time now?"yelled jin.

"1:30 am"whispered yoongi.

"Wow how can you come this much early yoongi ah"asked jin sarcastically.

"So_sorry hyung I just missed the time..I'm sorry"whimpered Yoongi with glossy eyes.

"Okay you missed the time! But why didn't you attend my calls?"asked jin

"It w-as in silent"whispered back yoongi

"Really? Why?"asked jin

"I was working on my project"whispered yoongi

"Oh! Where?"asked jin getting near yoongi

"No hyung"whimpered yoongi moving back

"Yoongi you know me well. Think twice before lying to me. I'll ask you again. Where did you go?"asked jin Sternly.

"Hyung I pr-omise I was in the library working on my project"said yoongi wringing his hands.

"What project? With whom?"asked jin grabbing yoongi's bicep hard.

"Ho-hobi"stuttered yoongi

"Hobi? What was he doing there?"asked jin .

Yoongi sighed immediately that he slipped hobi's name out.

"Answer me Kim yoongi"yelled jin

"Hyung don't yell please. I was in the library  promise"whimpered yoongi playing the victim card.

"Okay I believe you but tell me why did I get a call that my brother is wandering near the club Street"asked jin glaring at yoongi.

"Wh-at no hyung I didn't go there"cried yoongi

"Yoongi please don't make me punish you hard. Stop lying. You know I hate that"warned jin trying hard to control his anger.

Yoongi didn't want to tell the truth because he was scared of jin as he already warned him that if yoongi goes to the club again he would inform everything to their Papa.

"Hyung why aren't you believing me"yelled yoongi pushing jin hard.

"Kim yoongi over the couch now"yelled jin

"Why hyung I told you I was in the library"yelled back yoongi.

"You chose it yourself"warned jin walking to the room.

"What? No hyung no stop please"cried yoongi

When jin came back to the living room with the deadly strap in his hand yoongi started crying hard.

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