Chapter 13

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Author's pov:

"We have to buy groceries hyung . I don't think we can make dinner without going to the store." Said hobi.

The elders were really busy these days that they couldn't go the store often.

"Ok I'll go to store today hobi. Let me just finish this work." Said Jin reading some medical reports.

"Papa can I come with you it's really boring here . Tae and jimin hyungiee are watching their favourite show. I don't have anyone to play with me." Pouted jk.

Jin chuckled.
"ofcourse you can come baby but I'm not going to buy you any new video games or toys, you have enough. If it's ok then you can surely come with me " Said Jin.

"Yess..! I promise thank you papa" jumped jk excitedly.

After 15 minutes:

"Go wear a jacket baby we can go to store " said Jin.

Jk came back after picking his jacket. The car ride was filled with jk sharing his school stories.

They reached the store:

"Jk I'm repeating again behave okay?"

"Yes papa" said jk sighing trusfrated.

Jin reminded him again and again because everytime jk comes to store with any elders he just throw a tantrum and gets what ever he wants.

They went in and Started buying the things required.

"Papa .. papa see those snacks it looks yummy papa can we buy it please" jk showed his puppy eyes while holding the end of jin's jacket.

"Jungkook you were eating lot of snacks recently so I think it's time for a healthy week so no let's get them next time" said Jin moving towards the next section.

"But papa please i will share with everyone please..." Begged jk.

Jin sighed...
"Just one pocket jungkook" said Jin.

"Thank you are best. I love you"Said jk jumping towards the snacks section.

Jin shook his head chuckling seeing his over dramatic boy .

They almost finished their shopping just then they crossed the toys section.

Jungkook stood their shocked.
"Come jungkook let's go the counter"  said Jin pulling the cart.

"Papa see here this the upgrade I wanted for my videogame for a long time. See now they have an offer too we have to pay just 75% of its price papa we can save 25% can we buy it papa please ..." Asked jk with hopefull eyes.

"No jungkook you already know the answer so stop. You already have lots of things to play with" said Jin sternly.

"But papa it's the one I really wanted please just this one and I'll not ask for anything else please papa" whined jk.

"Jungkook stop the whining come we are getting late" said jin glaring jk.

"No I won't move from here buy that for me" angrily said jk sitting on the floor kicking his legs.

"Kim jungkook get up fast I'm not going to buy you that no matter what stop the tantrum" said jin gritting his teeth.

"No" huffed jk sitting on the floor.

"If you aren't getting up within the count of three I'm going to spank you right here infront of everyone" said jin.

"One" "two"
Jungkook just sat there folding his arms glaring Jin back.

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