Chapter 66

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Author's pov:

Thank you @HadiyaShahid688 for suggesting this chapter. Hope you'll like it ❤️.

"Happy birthday baby"yelled the elders and  taekook at 12:00 am making jimin to sit up on the bed confused.

"Tomorrow is my birthday papa"whined jimin lying again.

"Aigo baby it's already October 13"said hobi hugging his baby while everyone chuckled at a sleepy jimin.

"Really?"asked jimin excited.

"Yes happy birthday jimin ah"said tae followed by jk
"happy birthday jiminshiii"said jk hugging jm.

"Aish stop calling me like that brat"mumbled jimin hugging taekook.

"So we're going out today right? No school because it's jimin's birthday"said jk with puppy eyes.

"Yes you ca-" cutoff by jimin

"No me and tae have exams tomorrow it's necessary for our grades so we can't take a leave"said jimin making taekook roll their eyes.

"Then you all can go to school. We'll go out in the evening"smiled yoongi.

"Ah! It was a golden opportunity jiminshiii you just spoiled it"pouted jk.

"Okay then sleep well babies let's have a birthday party at night"winked jin.

The kids chuckled and made themselves comfortable to sleep again.

The next morning the kids went to school. Jimin was so excited to distribute the chocolates he got for his friends. When vmin entered the class everyone started singing happy birthday which made jimin to blush hard.
Tae smiled and sat on his seat.

"Thank you everyone"said jimin shyly with his face turned into deep tomato red colour.

"Why are you blushing"teased tae

"Stop it I'm not blushing"pouted jimin glaring tae.

Jimin distributed the chocolates and everyone started talking to him and asked him about the gifts he received while one in the class was glaring him which was not notice by anyone.

"Ryan here take the chocolates"said jimin smiling.

"I don't eat chocolates"said Ryan rudely moving out the class.

"Oh! Will you come to my house for my b'day party everyone is joining me"said jimin.

"No I'm not interested"said Ryan cutting off rudely.

"Ok I'm sorry"mumbled jimin getting back to his seat.

Tae saw jimin coming sadly pouting.

"What happened chimmy why are you sad?"asked tae concerned.

"Nothing"said jimin.

"Okay don't tell me then but please smile and be happy it's your birthday"said tae smiling pinching jimin's Cheek.

"Arghh fine leave my cheeks brat"huffed jm cutely.

"Okay class are you ready for the test?"asked Mr. Yon getting in the class.

"Yes sir"shouted the students.

"Okay close your books and get the papers from the desk"said Mr. Yon.

Soon the students picked the papers and started writing the answers.

"Sir!" Shouted Ryan.

All the kids turned to him.

"What happened why are you shouting"asked Mr. Yon

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