Changed the past

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I don't know how long we were cramped in the pod but soon after, the pod had released us completely.

I tumbled in first as Shira came down. Leo came in last. I got back up to my feet and looked at the remains of Raph's shell. The tiny plastron shell and green shell pieces were on my hand. They were so tiny I could not bear to see him get captured. I lost him so many times. The time we lost him in the sewers, the time at the battle nexus, Draxum capturing them when they were on their way to find the dark armor, and now this.

Suddenly, Leo lunged at Casey in fury. I was startled by his sudden behavior until my siblings pulled him back.

"Did you know this would happen!?" he screeched. "Why didn't you tell me!?"

Casey began to step away. "What are you talking about?"

"Easy!" Mikey tried to calm him down.

I was too busy crying about Raph as my siblings asked Leo where Raph is in exchange of roars and whines. They look so desperate and so worried. Finally, Leo had calmed himself down when Shira wrapped her arms around him. Leo's lip began to tremble in his white creepy face and finally... he spoke,

"They... They got him."

"You left Raph?" April pondered.

"Why would he do that?" Pavi asked, walking beside Rudolf.

"He left himself," Shira explained. "He used his pod to save us, all because Leo went after this stupid thing."

I took the courage and gave Casey the key. He was amazed.

"You got it. Nice."

"Nice? They captured Raph!" Leo snarled at him. Suddenly, his eyes began to grow wide. "He's from the future. He knew this would happen!"

"No, I didn't. This didn't happen in my time," Casey declined, defensively, staring at the key. To him, it appears that Raph's capture didn't occur and Leo grabbing the key. His eyes began to lit up with hope. "We changed the past, and you got the key. That means there's still a chance to stop them."

"No, we have to save Raph. Come on."

I looked over as the others watched.

"Leo, wait," Donnie tried to say.

"If you won't come, I'll go myself." Leo then lifted his katanas and swung them to make a portal but they only flicker dimly as the glow shuttered around him. He groaned in pain, frustrated.

"We've lost our mystic powers," Donnie told him.

"Not everyone," Rin said.

Wait. What? Leo turned to Shira and saw that her birthmark is still in color. No wonder Shira still had her powers back, something must have blocked the Krang's powers before it hit us.

"Shira," Leo began, "how come you didn't lose your mystic power?"

For a moment, Shira gasped and looked at her necklace. "My crystal..." she said. "It must have saved me from the alien's power."

"No wonder you still have it," I said, still amazed. But I was still sad about what happened to Raph.

"That crystal is part of the Crystal of Light," Galaxy explained. "The Yokai made it and chipped a shard on it so they can protect the one with the most incredible power. But the Krang stole it."

Nebula also agreed. "Luckily, they hid the shard and placed it at the bottom of the ocean so it won't be found."

"But," Manako muttered at first, "the crystal was found by Shira seven years ago."

"But I don't understand," Shira whimpered. "Why do I still have my power when the Krang tried to drain me?"

Then, that was when things got stranger.

"Shira, you're no ordinary mutant," Nebula answered.

"What do you mean?" Pavi asked, raising an eyebrow and confused.. "Is she even a mutant?"

"Shira is a hybrid," Tomoka reminded them. And she's right. Shira has water magic powers, she's part swan and she can breathe underwater so that's that.

"Tomoka and Pavi are right," Shira replied. "How come I'm not ordinary?"

"It's because you were the only mutant who had been connected to these things, and mostly, you have this water-like ability to protect your friends," the goth alien explained. She took a deep breath before she told my sister. the real reason why she is half hybrid. "Shira, you're half Krang."

"Shira's an alien?!" We cried. That was when tentacles, purple, slimy and long emerged from her shell. They were just like the Krang's tentacles but they look different. Galaxy and Nebula explained to us that Shira is an Ogima, related to the Krang. They said that a long time ago, bubbles came from space and all of the bubbles disappeared except for one. The last bubble landed on the beach where it touched a leatherback sea turtle newborn.

That explains that Shira is half human and an alien mutant.

But the thing is, Galaxy and Nebula have never seen that nightmaren robot before. And I guess we have heard it sooner. Pielope is a robotic Nightmaren that was built by the krang. Because of her, Pielope can control the Druun and the Krang because they are their leader.

I began to rub my tears away as I held the shell pieces in my hands.

"Reika?" Leo's voice answered.

I turned to Leo, wiping my tears away. "Yes?"

"I'm gonna make a promise for you," Leo told her, putting his hand on her shoulder. "I'm gonna rescue Raph and stop the Krang so you can be happy."

I wiped away my tears and hiccuped. "You sure?"

Leo nodded his head in response.

"But we don't have a plan," Mikey peeped.

"We don't need a plan," Leo refused before he pointed to Casey with his katana firmly. "Remember I'm the greatest ninja the world's ever seen, his words."

"Shouldn't we talk about this before we run off all half cocked, willy nilly, pell mell?" Donnie gurgled.

"Look, I keep being told I'm doing this hero thing wrong," the white faced turtle replied, turning to us. "But I got the key, didn't I? I get results, so now we're doing it my way."

"My son, listen to your team," Splinter begged my brother. "This is not about you."

But Leo yanked away. "They made it about me when they took my brother." He flinged his sword with one last attempt to create the portal but didn't work. It struck a nearby wall as Shira dodged. "Trust me, I got this. Donnie, you're driving."

He stood up and he began to walk away, grabbing his other katana from the wall. I knew that Leo promised me that he had to save Raph so I began to place the shell pieces into a jar and began to place them in my bedroom before the rest of all began to follow Leo.

"What do we do with this?" Rin asked, pointing at the key.

"Should we take it along?" Ikioi replied.

"We can't bring it with us," Casey said, staring at the canister. "But we can't just leave it behind."

"Then we should destroy it," April said, taking the key off of Casey's grip. "Splints, Rin, lkioi and I will stay here and take care of business."

Casey smiled. "Thanks, Commander O'Neil." He then headed off to join us.

"Commander?" April wondered, thinking of that new name. "I like the sound of that."

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