Chapter 1: Home.

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My eyes flickered open. Sunshine streamed though the disintegrating white curtains on my window and reflected off my old rustic, ageing mirror, which covered my whole wall. I sniffed in the smell of the dust rising in the sunlight and the wind. My room is old and the walls are crumbling, the pink paint from when I was a little girl was flaking but I loved it, the atmosphere, the smell and the room ageing and growing as I do.

I finally sat up in bed. I was wearing white lose white pants with pink little bunnies on them and a black bra with hot pink writing saying ' I woke up like this'. I have brown eyes. Golden brown hair that is in high bun that gets blonder every minute in the morning sunlight. My skin was slightly tanned and very smooth. No freckles here! People say I'm very grown up and responsible for my age of 15. Now I feel like it's expected of me. I miss being a kid.

I nestled my feet into my warm fuzzy black and white panda sleepers and ran to the corner of my room and I knelled down by a little whole in the wall. "Wake up sis!!!", I yelled into the whole. My sisters room was next door. My sister Ki Ki is almost 14. We couldn't be closer. We made this whole in the wall when I was 9 so we could talk all the time. Ki ki is a brunette like me but not with the golden. Ki Ki usually wears her hair in three pony tails, two at the front and one at the back. I taught her how to do it when she was little. She is lightly spotted with freckles but you could hardly see them. She is a lot more girler then me. The boys always call me a tomboy but they always try to hang around me a school. Ki Ki wears a pink t- shirt with a a bow on the front and some aged blue jeans.

Her room is a little messy and is a lot older then mine, there is a reason for that. I hate it. Our family lived a sunlight tides but we where just living off mums dads money from his will. Finally there was no money left when I turned 7. We sold everything we had and we had to move to twin valley in an old house but it's not the house that matters. Our parents Chelsea and Mick never got an education so then I was 8 my parents theatented me to do well in school or a was not welcome in this house. I was moved to a cram school so I would hopefully get high grades and get a job to support my whole family! But I was lucking, I'm going well. I'm an A at the moment and when I turn 16 I'm graduating early! So the kid with the better grades get the better things in this house. But I'm worried about my sister She is at a C-... A few nights ago I heard my parents saying some thing about her. My parents skipped three of her grades to get her to graduation sooner and they think it's her fault! Sometimes I don't think they love me for the reason there meant too. They look at Ki Ki with hate....

Ki Ki came to the whole with bags under her eyes. "Wo Ki Ki you look exhausted", I said "well good morning to you too", she said sounding annoyed but with a little sacasem. " morning but Ki Ki what have you been doing", I said. " I've been going homework all night...... Mum and dad caned me...", said Ki Ki. "WHAT!!!! Why would they do that!!", I said horrified. " I'm at a grade D", she said trying not to crying. I ran around the door and hugged her. "It's ok, I can help you study, they are just worried you will be ok I promise I'll get you to a B by next week, I promise!", I reassured her. "Thank you so much! I love you big sis!", she thanked me. "I love you too". "BREAKFAST TIME!!! You'll be late for school!!!!", my mum yelled. My little sister Chloe woke up crying from the noise. We walked into her room and took her too the kitchen, she was five.
"You can have pancakes this morning", mum said as she put a two big pancakes on my plate. I put Chloe in her high chair and sat down to eat. I looked over a Ki Ki's bowl she had a speck of pancake to eat. When mum turned around I slipped her one of my pancakes. She smiled at me. I grinned back. Things were not that bad. I think mum and dad realised why she wasn't doing well and we were fed and had a room under our heads. Honestly life was sometimes hard but life always is but I wouldn't change it but then this happened...........
To be continued....

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