Chapter 8: The place i would call home

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The car windows were opened. The air was cold and icy but it wasn't snowing. Not yet. I could see out a little. I could see a little village. It was made completely with wood. Wood everything. Smoke was coming out of the chimneys into the atmosphere above me. I coughed a little when I breathed in the polluted Thick air. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine that I was sleeping. What it was just a bad dream. And I would wake up to the smell of dusk and the light reflecting on my window. And the sound of Chloe's cries for sister mummy. And then I would wake my sister through the secret little whole hidden behind our closest. I wish and wish......

I woke up to my body being lifted up from the boot by a very big man. He was I little scary. I felt my cheek. Had I been crying in my sleep. My dream to go home. Again I tried to cover my front. The man walked around to the front of the car. I could see now it was a rusty old car.
"Where do you want her", said the man holding me. He had a very deep voice.
"Ummm girly", the bearded man walked up to me and said. "Well you could be a slave or you could forever be my wife!", he said.
"Do I have a choice!", I said happily. I heard slaves to get there own lifes. Severing is just your job and I could escape too!
He came closer and had a good look and me and nodded his head and smiled.
"Wife", he labelled me.
I opened my mouth in horror. A wife! He could do what ever he wants with me. I die or end up pregnant at 15!
"The wedding is in three days! We have to get her cleaned up!" He said with excitement.
I started or tear up. This isn't the life I want. But I guess I didn't really have a choice....
I realised there was a fence around the town. Maybe it was to keep animals out. The only way I could get out is night time. There are also guards so I'm not going to try to escape anytime soon. And idea popped into my head. Nobody could know about this....

"Put me down", I said to me big man. " I'm his future wife!, I ought to be treated with respect!", I said.
" you mean you w-w-ant to b-be my w-wwwife", the bearded man said astonished. At that moment I learnt this man was so angry and horrible because he was a little lonely but that wouldn't change how he would treat me afterword the wedding.,
Was I plan going to work.
"Yes I would love to be your wife. It's time for a new start!", I said
"Great! The wedding can be a day earlier if you are as happy as I am" he told me
A part of My plan had failed....I thought it he would reject if I wanted to marry him.
The big man who later I learnt was called Ken. He put me down. I walked a few steps and fell over because I was so weak.
"Get up worthless!", he said. He Kicked me in the butt. I cried out in pain. My whole body ached. I was so hungry and thirsty.
I heard the words "GET UP WORTHLESS!", fade away....

I woke up sitting at a table with a red and white table cloth that reminded me of home. I looked at my hand. A tube was in my hand that went up to a bag of water or something. I was on a drip and one of my arms was in a sling. That's why i wasn't that thirsty any more. A bowl of soup was in front of me. Without hesitation I started eating wildly. I hadn't eating in three days. My wrists, arms, legs and waste was noticly skinnier then a few days ago. I ate the soup nonstop until it was all gone.
"You like it?", said a voice. I looked up. A young girl slightly older then me stood there. Hair hair was in a bun and she was wearing something maybe a maid would wear. " yes thank you. It was great!", I replied. " my name is Lin. " I'm not allow to talk to people I serve", she said sadly. " I allow you to talk to me, plz all I want is a friend....", I said to her. "Really?, no one has ever been that kind to me. No one likes slaves", she said. I smiled wearing at her. "I like you", I told her. "Thank you but you can't tell tell the king of the village, he will kill me!", she said

"No he won't... I'm can stop him", I reassured her.

"How? Your a guest",

"I'm going to his wife..."

"I'm sorry"

Maybe I can help her even if I can't help myself. I decided to tell her everything. I found out we were a lot simler and we become close even in one day. She wasn't wanted either. Someone whipped and whipped her she thinks it was her parents. She can't remember, she was very young. Then a villager from her found her and took her in to slave for the king my husband... Maybe I could take her with me if I could get out.... Her name is Rebecca.

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