Chapter 4

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After seeing the terrible picture of Dexter, Maddie had declared war. Not really but her words were this, sounding of a battle cry. "Dexterous caged away together and formed might Lizzie's trapped army play!" Everyone in the bunker groaned except Lizzie, who was used to such nonsense, and Raven who'd decided to cry in a nearby corner.

Maddie cheered until she realized everyone wasn't cheering with her. "Come on! Prepare to storm the castle guys? Did I say something in Riddilish?" Ever since Apple took over and the Rebels had been forced into hiding Maddie's accidental spouts of Riddilish had increased to almost every time she spoke.

The bunker quieted as Cedar had finally made sense of Maddie's words. "Maddie's saying that we should go save Dexter by using Lizzie's mother's army to storm Apple's castle." Maddie beamed."Exactly! All we need is weapons which my good friend Ravie over there can conjure up!" Raven sniffled."Maddie you heard what Apple said, I can't do any magic."

Frowning Maddie walked over to Raven. She grabbed Raven by the hair and shook her up and down. "Hmm is she broken? I remember this to be the girl who stood up to Milton Grimm. Froze an entire school. Am I mistaken or is this a clone?" Raven managed a small smile."Yeah but my magic is only for evil. It'll backfire if I use it for good." Kitty Cheshire who'd decided to pop in for a spell spoke bright and mysterious. "But what if you looked from Apple's point of view as you used it."

Everyone turned to where Kitty had been sitting on the ceiling of the bunker. But she had left again leaving them as baffled as ever. Maddie seemingly the only one who understood what Kitty was saying beamed. Cerise turned to her,"Why are you smiling? We don't even know what Kitty meant!"

Clearly the whole bunker was frustrated because the amount of grumbles and mutters were rising in the bunker.Kitty spoke again but just a mouth had appeared."She does know what I meant. She knew before I had even said anything. She knew what Apple had planned before it happened and was the first to run away."

The mouth vanished leaving sparkles to float around the bunker. Everyone turned to Maddie who's smile was so wide it looked like it hurt. "I was telling you guys. If Raven thinks from Apple's point of view then the magic she's casting will seem evil!" A large chorus of oh's came 2 minutes after everyone had figured it out. Raven stood. "I'll try but I'm warning you if it backfires this bunker is going sky high."

Daring rolled his eyes."Well then we could do it outside. Where if anything has to go sky high it'll be the trees." Maddie waved him away."No need. Trust me this bunker is staying where it is." She frowned and closed her eyes shudders running up and down her body."Well until the end. But don't worry everyone will be out by then."

Raven crossed her arms."What end?" Maddie's eyes twinkled."I can't tell you. But go on Ravie just try it." Sighing Raven put her hands out, closed her eyes, and concentrated. And then started screaming. Her eyes flew open glowing purple and the Rebels backed away except Maddie who was now rifling through her hat for reasons unknown. "Trying to find-ah ha" Obviously she had found what she was looking for because she pulled a bracelet with bubbles on it and a pink sleep potion. Then in a flash of light a portal opened revealing a grand throne room. Card soldiers lined both sides of the room. And a queen sat on a throne constantly looking out the window quite worriedly.

Everyone cheered and turned to Raven. But Raven didn't seem so much like Raven anymore. Instead a sinister grin was spread on her face. She flexed her fingers as if she wasn't used to having so much power which she was. Her eyes shone with pure evil. Until Maddie doused her with the pink potion, which had knocked Raven out completely. Then carefully she pulled a bubble of the bracelet and placed it on Raven's forehead. Raven vanished only to appear in the bubble, minute compared to her fellow Rebels. Maddie popped the bubble onto the bracelet and slid it onto her wrist. Everyone was confused. "Why did you put Raven in a bracelet?" Lizzie asked. Maddie looked at her as if it were obvious."You didn't see her she was evil! I had to save this evil for when we need it. But I already know when, so no biggie."

Maddie sighed."Come on now lets go to Wonderland! Lizzie first, your mother might wonder why of course a group of kids are walking into her throne room. Daring go with her, especially since you two are so close." Maddie winked and which made Daring and Lizzie blush. Holding hands Daring and Lizzie stepped through the portal and into Wonderland.

See at least this part isn't as sad as the ones before. Like I said it gets better. I could continue this chapter but I honestly don't feel like it at the moment seeing the time so yeah. To say a leave obsess to please. You should already know what that means.

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