Chapter 5

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As Daring and Lizzie stepped through the portal they felt as if they had been turned into jelly and tossed in a freezer. Chilled to the bone they stepped out into the the Queen of Hearts's throne room. She looked at them with disapproving eyes until she recognized Lizzie standing there, uncertain of what to do.

"Lizzie,darling what are you doing here! And you know that boy is Prince Charming's son stop holding hands with him or it's off with your HEADS!" the Queen screamed out of nowhere. Daring opened his mouth to pronounce his love but Lizzie seeing her mother would never approve dropped Daring's hand and gave him a look that said not here. " I know we held hands but it was just to make sure we wouldn't get separated in the portal. Now if you don't mind I've brought some friends. And yes Queens can have friends." Waving her hand towards the wall out came out of Maddie flipped through the wall and supermanned around the room. Then upon seeing the daughter of the mad hatter the Queen lost it. Something about off with her head but no one was paying attention. They were all paying attention to the other teenagers climbing out of the wall. The Queen became silent and pursed her lips,"Well then. Friends nonetheless more queen like than I what do thy achieve or simply stopping for a welcome?" Maddie flew down and whispered in Lizzie's ear."What do I need a pillow toad for?" Maddie facepalmed herself. She leaned in towards Lizzie again."Oh um well ApplehasgonenutsandtookoverallofEverAftersoIkindaneedtoborrowyourarmytostopher."Lizzie squeaked out. The queen stiffened."Alas I feared so dreadfully so that an end to all will simply be a go. Child of hearts you may and always possess the army that leads to the pretty fruit's downfall." Lizzie jumped for joy."Alright army through the portal!"

But Maddie's head hung gravely so. "It's no use. It's gone. We can't use Raven to open it again either." Every teen wilted. They had clung to hope so hard the forgot there was always challenges. There was no way out of Wonderland except for the Well of Wonder which Alistair Wonderland and Bunny Blanc had used a year ago. "GUYS! THE NARRATOR JUST SAID THAT THE WELL OF WONDER IS THE ONLY WAY OUT!" Maddie screamed. Oh curses I didn't mean to help- I'm only supposed to-that's not what I- you know what never mind. "Ah yes you are the sweeties." Maddie said.

The Queen spoke and nodded her head as if the idea pleased her."I possess a trail to be a part of a key to set you free from the madness of this cursed land." Maddie leaned forward."Ooh where in the land of the mad is that trail in a book!" The queen sat thoughtfully."Guards of mine retrieve the trail in a book mapping the madness of a land." A card soldier on her right produced a book in which he placed on her lap."Daughter of the mad as mad as can be you now have a fiddle for a cow in which the land of mad and simple may be."

The queen said as Maddie flew over and gently picked up the book and then threw it in her hat. "We're off to the Well of Wonder! Come on guys this way!" She pointed to her right. Cedar glanced quizzically at Maddie."Uh don't you need the book to see where we're going?" Maddie paused."Oh yeah right I knew that." And she pulled the book out and opened it. "Now we're off to the Well of Wonder!"

Sorry this one was so short I promise the next one will be longer! See isn't this a lovely break from the horrible blood and violence that we saw 2 chapters back? Guys I just got a fin fun mermaid tail. Those things are amazing check it out at! Its the Asian Magenta in the Mermaidens collection!

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