Chapter 7

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Getting drenched in marshmallow syrup while watching a date between Daring and Lizzie wasn't exactly what Cerise would call a good day. Lizzie claimed that there was always a time when the well of wonder would appear in the chocolate lake but so far Cerise had seen none.Scowling Cerise had been wading in the goop for hours while Daring and Lizzie lay cuddling on the shore. "I could use some help over here!" Cerise yelled. Lizzie kissed Daring on the cheek and kept cuddling while Cerise stomped out of the lake covered in chocolate up to her waist. "Are you guys going to help me or not!" They looked at her shocked. "Are you two lovebirds done here?"
Lizzie smiled."Yes. We're done." Cerise harrumphed. "Good because one, you're supposed to help me and two, I'm tired of all of this." A rainbow light shot up from the lake. The well appeared. Lizzie looked confused. Gathering all her courage Cerise looked at Daring in the eyes. "Tired of not being able to do this." And she kissed him. Daring did nothing didn't even move. And her lips stayed there until she broke away furious with herself.
Running she hopped into the well and didn't look back. Daring and Lizzie stumbled to the well shocked. When they landed Maddie had given them hugs. "Maddie? How'd you know we'd be here?" She spun and twirled."Brooke told me!"
Leaning over to Lizzie, Daring was confused."Who's Brooke!" Lizzie rolled her eyes."Just go with it..." She stomped off angry. Daring tried to go after her. "Lizzie are you still mad at me? It wasn't even my fault."
She turned her face red."You could've pushed her away but you didn't!" I grabbed her wrist."For the last time I didn't mean anything! She kissed me! How was I supposed to react!?!?" She stomped away angrily. "As of now Daring you and I are through!" The words jolted across the place. Silence. Everyone turned to stare at them shocked except for Cerise whom of which had a mischievous smirk...
Yeah I know I haven't updated in forever after and this chappie was super short but don't kill me! I promise the next one is going to be superrrr long. And don't worry about Dizzie. I have plans arranged....
Muhahahahaha....Peace out ma teaspoons!
~Maddie {|;-)

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