Chapter 8

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Daring sat on the side silently crying. Lizzie cried in a corner far away from Daring. Then Daring wiped his eyes and went to Cerise a plan already brewing in his mind. He was going to ask out Cerise to make Lizzie jealous. (What!?! That's horrible! But it won't even work! Maddie! Daring is going to ask out Cerise you have to stop them!)
Brooke!!! Do it again and you will be grounded.
Maddie looked around."Okay whatever you say."
Daring was holding hands with Cerise and about to lean in to kiss her. Running Maddie leaped over surprised Rebels who were chatting about Apple's next attack. Maddie was hoping to push Cerise out of the way but she landed wrong and careened into Daring and he fell and Maddie's lips collided with Cerise's. Maddie backed up. And pulled out handy wipes out of her hat. "Bleh. Ewww!!!!! Lizzie, Daring you owe me one! I just saved your relationship!" She rubbed the handy wipes all over her lips. "Grossss!!!!!!" She yelled. Cerise looked surprised but scowled. "Uh oh. Raven's magic is contagious. Cerise I'm doing this for your own good." And she touched the bubble bracelet to her head. Cerise appeared in a bubble next to Raven. She banged on the sides of the bubble before slumping to the bottom defeated. Maddie put a fresh layer of lipgloss on. "Better." The card army had been long gone. They had gone to defeat Apple. Most of the teens were going to a safe house. Maddie was leading them there. Although most of the teens were quite wary of Maddie that had kissed infected Cerise, for all they knew she was leading them to their doom... Maddie wasn't certain of where she was going. She just went places. Until the teens climbed out of a tunnel to see they were in a room filled with cages. Dexter lay in one of them. He looked pale and weak. Maddie tapped his shoulder. But he didn't move. She checked for a pulse but there was none. Dexter, was dead.
Yes this is forreal Dexter is dead. But for the few that read on will find out a special secret about him. One that could possibly bring him back to life!
Panicked Maddie searched through her hat and as she looked her bubble bracelet flung off her wrist and fell to the ground. Raven and Cerise popped up normal sized and angry. Raven smiled and whispered a spell under her breath. Every teen was instantly paralyzed. Maddie had jumped out of the blast just in time to avoid it. Then she whipped around to Maddie. "Who's the ruler here?" She yelled. Maddie flinched."The fruit of beauty and red blood queen skin of snow!" Maddie squeaked. Raven scowled."Won't tell me? How about not talking..." In a flash she thrust her hand out and Maddie screamed. Until it was suddenly silenced. A blue light came drifting out of Maddie's mouth. It traveled it's way to Raven and she grinned evilly and put it in a locket around her neck. Then she flew upwards into a portal. Maddie lay on the ground clutching her throat. She opened her mouth. Nothing came out. She tried screaming, singing, laughing, coughing, and sneezing. No sound came from her. Silently she whispered something that no one but her would ever know. Then she went through her hat again until she found what she was looking for. A red syringe. Wasting no time she plunged it into Dexter. Slowly magically he healed and he sat up dazed. "Where am I?" Maddie pointed to her throat then shook her head."Maddie?! Agh I remember now! Why can't you speak?!" She made spell casting motions and then an evil face.
"Apple did this to you?" Maddie shook her head. and then pretended to flap bird wings."Raven?" Maddie nodded enthusiastically as Dexter sat in shock. "But Raven would never... She isn't..."
Sounds of explosions outside. Maddie jumped. She grabbed his hand and pulled him after her. As she was running she looked back at Dexter wistfully. As if she didn't want to let go of his hand. Maddie ran up the my the staircase tripping every get sets. Until she reached the outside. Two witches were battling each other. Upon closer look, one could see it was Apple and Raven. The forest behind them, was on fire. Raven's eyes blazed purple and Apple's blazed red like blood. Raven hissing an incantation Nevermore flew up beside her and let out a steaming gush of fire. Apple was hit while conjuring a gas spell. Apple disappeared in the explosion. Ashes drifted down to the ground. Until they reassembled and Apple flew up into the air again. Raven's hands were blazing as she screamed. Apple smiled sweetly. Then she sang an ear piercing note. The two screaming witches were instantly surrounded by dark creatures. A full on war broke out. The Enchanted Forest was gone except for a small but still large patch of it far away. Then Raven stopped screaming. And pulled out a pen. It was sleek silver and lethal. Raising it she smiled calmly. Apple was still singing. Then Raven threw it. As fast as a lightning bolt it struck Apple clean through the heart. Apple stopped singing. And dropped to the ground like a stone. Her body exploded into ashes and in its place, was a glowing gold apple. Raven grinned until she saw Maddie and Dexter staring at her. Her face twisted into a scowl. And she called the pen towards her. "Raven this isn't you! Please come back! I want the normal Raven!" Dexter shouted fear evident in his voice. Raven's scowl deepened. "This is the normal Raven." And she threw the pen at Dexter. A glint of white. And the real normal nice Raven returned just in time to see the pen dart towards Dexter. In a flash Maddie jumped in front of him and the blade hit her chest and stuck there. Raven went white with horror. Raven dropped to the ground. She ran over to Dexter who was holding Maddie in his arms. She looked at Raven and smiled weakly. Then looking at Dexter she dabbled her finger in her blood and painted a heart on his cheek. Then she winked and sadly jerked her head towards Raven. Maddie had had a crush on Dexter for a long time. But he had Raven, and she accepted that. Her hand reached for her hat as she grabbed it she placed it on Dexter's head. Then she slumped back her crystal blue eyes empty staring at the sky...
-Thirteen Years Later-
Apple was dead and the golden apple that was her remains were placed into the Ever After museum. Maddie had not been forgotten. Dexter and Raven weren't married. But they were dating. Dexter still had trust issues with Raven. And if one looked in his room they would see Maddie's hat resting on his desk. Daring and Lizzie did eventually get back together. They're married. All of Ever After was back in order. They even managed to fix Wonderland. (That's where they got married) It wasn't Happily Ever After for anyone. It was more like Ever After...
Don't stop reading!!! There is one last chapter after this!!!!!!!!!! And if anyone is asking, yes I did enjoy writing Dexter's death. I was actually planning to end it there just to be evil. But then most of you would've probably stopped reading. But I'm still so evil!!!!!!!
~Maddie {|:-)

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