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you were awaken by your father father yelling for you as he came home from a long mission. You sit up, about to get up as the door flung open "we have to go now." your Father said looking more stressed than ever, you looked at him with a bit of worry "what do you mean we have to go?" you question getting out of bed.
"Just pack we need to get going its not safe here" and with that he threw you a bag big enough for some clothing. You was confused but packed anyways, you didn't know what to pack so you didn't pack very well for this occasion.
after you were done packing you got dressed and fixed yourself up a bit before heading downstairs to find you dad standing by the door.
"got everything you need?" he asked putting his bucket hat back on, "you're back in your tactical stuff..whats going on dad" you asked a bit annoyed, he paused "I will tell you in the truck.." he turns to the truck which you quickly followed after him.

For the most part it was silent you were afraid to speak up but still very confused on whats going on. you turned to look at him to see he was focused on the road, you finally got the courage speak. "whats going on, why did we have to leave?" you said looking at him only to have him slightly glance at you with a sigh. "It's complicated sweetheart.." he said keeping his focus on the road, at this point you were pissed off and wanted answers. "Dad Im not a little kid anymore! I deserve to know" you said half yelling.
"I know your not a kid anymore sweetheart but..I don't want to scare you" he said pausing to think then sighed, "look. some really bad people are after me..and someone told them about you" he said glancing at you for a second then continued, "So Im taking you to our main base, I wont be able to be there all the time so Im leaving you in the hands of one of my personal men" he said through his heavy accent.
you look at him with a bit of shock. "but what about school, my friends" you said panicking a bit, Price put a hand on your shoulder keeping eyes on the road, "I let the ones who needed to know, know. dont worry to much" he said smiling a bit which made you relax a bit

The trip was long but you finally got there, the base was bigger than you thought it was, well considering the last time you were here you were probably just turning 6.
You got out of the truck with Price and headed to the doors but stopped half way, you dad looked back at you then walked to you pulling you into a hug. "I wont let anything happen to you sweetheart..You are my pride I will protect you at all costs" he mumbled softly to you, if you were being honest with yourself you were terrified but you wouldn't let you dad see that even if he could see right through you.
Price eventually let go as the two of you continued to walk to the door, Price pushed the door open walking through the main hall as you followed, you stayed close to your dad as more and more eyes grew to you, there was a bit of mumbling and side conversation trying to figure out who you were, you dad leaned down to his tactile vest talking into it and almost immediately 2 men walked into the room, one looked oddly familiar and the other didn't, The one that looked familiar had darker skin and was around 5'11-6ft and the other looked to be 6'4 and wore a skull mask which creeped you out a little bit.
you heard your father sigh, "where is Soap?" he asked, they both looked at each other then back at price. "He's probably finishing up with a hook up" the shorter one said catching a glance at you the adjusted his sight, you looked at him as well still trying to connect the pieces together on why he looked so familiar, not paying attention to your fathers and the one in a skull mask conversation, then it clicked, Kyle Garrick hes always been a few years older than you but when your father use to take you to the base with him you always hung out with him, you haven't seen him in so long he use to spend every summer with you up until you went to university and he went into the military, he loved the military it was what he always talked about. you were deep in thought when Price cleared his throat causing you to snap back into reality, "Y/N this is Lieutenant Ghost and you already know sergeant Gaz" he paused then looked at the 2 men standing before you "boys this is my daughter Y/N Price" He said sounding very proud, Gaz laughed a bit "definitely didnt get her looks from you captain" he said going to you and hugging you "long time to seen man, how have you been?, hows school?." he said holding you by the shoulders looking down at you, Gaz has always been like a brother to you and you we're pretty sure that your dad saw him the son that he never got.
you smiled "Its good to see you too Kyle, and Ive been good and schools good, or it was until I had to leave, but other than that how have you been?" you asked, "Ive been well" he said letting go of you, he was about to say something when Price cut him off
"there you bloody are Mactavish" he said in more of a unsettling tone which normally scared you, you looked to were he was looking to, to see a Taller male around 6'2/6'3 he was fixing his shirt as if it was just taken off, "sorry sir I was busy" he said in a thick Scottish accent which sent shivers down your spine, as he stepped closer his gaze shifted to your small figure quickly yet so slowly looking you from your eye down then turned his gaze to your father then stopping, "Mactavish can you come with me to my office, I have an important matter to discuss with you" Your father spoke before heading to his office, The Scottish man sighed then followed him to his office as well, Gaz leaned towards Ghost "is he really trusting him to watch his daughter" he said to Ghost as they both looked back at you then turned back to Priced office, "hes a good guy but" he paused "if I had a daughter I would never let him be alone with her" He said which made Gaz laugh "me either man" he said still laughing.

Mr. Military (Soap x fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now