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"give me one of those too Gaz" Ghost said talking about the beverage, which Gaz gladly handed him one.

the three of you sat on the couch talking as you painted Ghost's nails a pretty (whatever colour you want) you can't believe he was letting you of all people do something like this, Gaz was behind you waiting for his Nails to dry but still trying to take a drink, you and Gaz were pretty drunk, Ghost not so much as the alcohol didnt seem to have an affect on him, you leaned back onto Gaz once you finished Ghost's nails, "now dont mess them up!" you sloppily said taking a drink from your beverage, "oh! we have snacks!!" you stubbed to your feet making your way to the kitchen to grab the bag of snacks and bringing them back to the boys before sitting in between them again, Gaz grabbed a bag of chips opening them and snacking, "how long does it take for these to dry?.." Ghost asked slightly looking at you, you looked at your phone to the time, "give it about 5 minutes and you should be good" you said taking some of Gaz's chips which he protested.

once Ghost's nails were dry you started to eat some of the snacks as well, you turned up Gaz's music just to get up pulling Gaz up, "Dance with me Kyle" you laughed as Gaz struggled to get up, you and Gaz started to dance as Ghost watched from the couch you and Gaz laughed as you both kept messing up and stepping on each other feet, this was definitely what you needed, Soap was always to serious and would never do this with you, you liked these two they made you forget about the incident before, you and Gaz stopped dancing as you looked at Ghost, "come dance Ghost" you smiled at him to which he shook his head, "seeing my face should've been enough, I dont dance" he said looking at you with a blank face, "your missing outtttt" you got spun by Gaz with a laugh, "Shes right sir your missing out!" Gaz smiled taking another drink before putting it down on the table, Ghost checked the time, "it's getting late you two should really settle down." he said turning down the music, you Groaned but he did have a point, you and Gaz went to go sit back down on the couch, "then we will watch a movie" you said smiled getting up again to turn off the lights you quickly go to turn them off before heading back to the couch to sit between the guys again, you picked the first movie you say having no clue what it was about, after a while of watching the movie you passes out resting your head on Ghost's Arm you definitely did feel safe.

Morning came by pretty fast you and Gaz were still asleep on the couch as Ghost was back on his laptop looking at Soaps file, "Fuckin hell Johnny..why do you have to do this now" Ghost said quietly trying not to wake the two sleeping bodies on the couch, you woke up from the smell of coffee, you sat up properly completely forgetting you had fallen asleep on the couch, your head pounded and you felt sick
you look to Gaz who was still passed out but you both had a blanket over your bodies, you turn slightly to look at Ghost before getting up to go get a glass of water, you could hear Ghost mumbles from the table, you looked at him while taking a drink of your water, "what are you so grouchy about this morning?" you asked closing your eyes to try to stop the headache, "nothing..we better get Gaz up Johnny wants us to meet him at the same spot," he said not looking up at you, it took him a second before looking at you "I suggest getting ready yourself" he said calmly before getting to go wake up Gaz, you groaned as you made you way to your room, you didnt want to dress up so you just put some sweat pants on and a sweater, you knew it was going to be bright so you put on sunglasses and your hood to block out as much light as you can, you heard Gaz's voice complaining, you walked out of your room to meet back up with the guys, Ghost had his mask back on as Gaz had a hat on with sunglasses, "you ready to go?" Ghost asked looking at you slightly, you nod in response your head still pounding from home much you drank last night, the three of you headed for the car to go to town.

once you got there you head had gotten worse, you got out of the car and made your way inside the coffee shop to order a tea, Gaz stayed in the car to sleep more and Ghost walked in with you, he looked around not seeing Soap, "late like always..get me a tea to Ill pay" he said in a calm tone giving you his card before going to sit down, you took to card and ordered another tea, before paying and waiting for the tea's, once you got the teas you made your way to Ghost sitting across from him giving him his card and tea before resting your head on your hands, "told you not to drink so much" he chuckled as he slid his mask off slightly to take a drink from his tea, you groaned as you picked up your tea yourself before taking a drink, the doors opened and walked in Soap, you expected his little toy to walk in but he was alone, he saw the 2 of you but went to the counter to order a drink probably coffee, once he was finished with his order and got his drink he walked over to the two of you but didn't sit down, he looked at ghost then you, "wheres Gaz?" he asked before sitting next to you resting his arm over the booth seat, "Car..sleeping hes hungover" you mumbled from your resting place, "hungover?." he looked at you then to Ghost, "what happened last night." he did not sound happy, "not much.. watched y/n and Gaz as they drunk." he said calmly before taking another drink, "I shouldn't of have left her in your hands." he snapped at Ghost, "someones cranky" you commented which he only glared at you, "what didn't get your dick wet last night or something?." you continued to joke as you sipped your tea, "that's enough out of you." he said glaring at you then bringing his attention back to Ghost, which Ghost was just staring at him, "where is she anyways." you lifted your head to actually look at him, "she normally follows you around" you added, Soap stayed quiet for a minute, "I don't have to be with her everyday, plus we aren't even dating she just doesn't like people knowing shes just there for sex." he said not looking at you as he drank his coffee, Ghost shook his head "classic Johnny." he said looking to his car seeing that Gaz was walking up to the coffee shop doors, he also ordered a tea and walked over to us sitting next to Ghost, "good morning princess" you said as he flipped you off Ghost and Soap were pretty much having a stare off, you could feel the tension between the two, "you know price has to be informed." Ghost finally spoke up to which Soap just looked down at his coffee, "yeah I know." he spoke "I guess that means we have to go back to the base huh?" He added finally looking at Ghost, "yeah." he said before finishing his tea.

you and Soap were alone in his truck as he followed behind Ghost, the trip was quite you could tell Soap was upset by the way he was gripping the steering wheel, "Im sorry.." you muttered not looking at him, he glanced at you as he gip loosened on the wheel, "its not your fault, I.." he stopped to think before continuing, "You just make me feel a way I shouldn't feel." he said not taking his eyes off of the car in front of him, you looked at him "what do you mean?" you asked to which he just glanced at you, he took a while to respond but when he did his voice was soft and calm, "Whenever Im around you I dont know how to act and its just you y/n..I cant seem to control myself when Im around you and that makes me mad so I bring it out on you..but hey.." he laughed a bit to himself, "you probably wont see me again after this."

Mr. Military (Soap x fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now