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"your not even supposed to be around her rn Johnny not until tomorrow when you guys head back. So I think you should leave." Ghost said making it so he was only visible in Soaps sight

Soap just glared at the taller male in front of him Ghost just looked at him with his eyes, "I dont care if Price trusted you more with this then us, and god knows that if she wasn't the captain's daughter you would've have done the same thing you do to the other girls." Ghost said quite but loud enough for Soap to hear, "you know Im not like that anymore Ghost." he said in the same tone as Ghost, "because you had a bad run in with one of the girls you use to do it to, she fell first but you fell harder and now shes gone." Ghost snapped at him "and you want to know who's fault that is Johnny?." Ghost said leaning down closer to Soap, "it was yours." Ghost whispered to him before straightening himself and turning towards the other two in the room, "You should get back to Training Johnny." Ghost said not even looking at him, Soap just stood there with his eyes widened before looking down and his hands then turned to leave, you looked at him you wanted to go after him but you being drunk only made things worse "thank god his voice was giving me a headache" you blurted out as he opened the door, he stopped looking back at you before leaving and closing the door, the female rookie glared at you before following Soap.

the three of you finished another bottle and made Gaz made one of the rookies go and get more, You and Gaz had music playing in the background and you guys danced around, Ghost had gotten up and went to his room for a minute to do something, but you forgot what, you completely forgot about Soap as you and Gaz goofed off, the roomie eventually came back with more whiskey, you and Gaz cheered as Ghost walked in, he was no longer in his tactical gear, his skull mask changed into a balaclava that only showed his eyes, Gaz poured the 3 of you another round, "cheers to the best night!" he said holding his cup up as the three of you cheered, "who knew british people could drink so much" the rookie who bought the booze for you guys said to another rookie, "yeah its crazy, Lieutenant Ghost isn't even drunk the other two tho are very drunk" the other rookie laughed watching you and Gaz Dance.

after another few rounds it was just you and Gaz, Ghost had went to his room for good this time, the two of you have drank until you were in your feelings, the music had calmed down as you just slowly drank, "what is it like having the captain as your dad?" Gaz asked as you brought your Gaz to him, "your asking that as if he didnt father you as well or cared for you as your deadbeat father was somewhere with his new family" you said without thinking, "y/n what the fuck" Gaz Laughed out, "sorry It the alcohol" you laughed with him, "but it gets kinda lonely or it did when I was younger, you saw him more than I did" you said looking at him, "Military dad's aren't the best" Gaz sighed taking a drink from his cup, you sighed in response, "whats up with soap he's been weird" you decided to ask, Gaz looked at you for a second, "he's not super easy to read so not even we know" Gaz said putting his drink down, "I feel like Ive been an asshole to him.." you stood up, "i'm going to go apologize" you said Gaz looked at you before saying, "don't let the alcohol take control of you, he might be with someone" he said trying to get you to sit down again, he obviously knew something you didn't, you looked at him before leaving the lounge, Gaz called after you but gave up, you quickly made it to his room heart racing hoping Gaz wasn't right, you let your mind run as you opened the door without a knock, Soap and another girls head snapped to you, the Girl used Soap to block my view, you felt your whole world fall apart, "what the fuck y/n." Soap threw a shirt at the female and walked towards you, he pushed you outside the room, "stay." he said before closing the door, you heard a bit of conversation before the female stormed out, Soap was standing there with his arms crossed, "close the door behind you." he said as you walked in closing the door, "who the fuck gives you the right to just come into my room like that." he said his accent getting heavier from his annoyance. "Im sorry I-" he cut you off, "no Its always sorry this sorry that bit you NEVER fucking lead up to it because you keep fucking doing it." he said raising his voice, he stepped closer to you, "you constantly do this shit y/n. its so fucking tiring, you" he put his finger to your shoulder harshly causing you to hiss in pain "you are fucking tiring, all you do it whine and as soon as I get a smallest bit mad at you, you cry and lock yourself in that bloody room" he removed his finger, "I don't belong to you, Im fucking 38 Im older than you, I can do whatever the fuck I want." he laughed a bit at the end of his sentence, "you aren't important to me, we had a few moments but you will never E.V.E.R be anything more than just a job" he said going back to cross his arms, "be ready by 07:56 thats when we are leaving, and I dont want to hear you complaining." he said signalling for you to leave.

Mr. Military (Soap x fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now