Chapter 3: one can dream

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Flames dance in their sconces on the, sandstone and basalt, walls and pillars. The luscious black rug leading to the throne held gold trim.

The hieroglyphs coating nigh every vertical surface in the room, depict a black jackal and his many doings. On a pedestal to the throne's right is a golden scale. On it's left is a pedestal bearing a plush white pillow is a golden goose feather.

The golden throne gleams and plush, black cushions line it's arm and back rest and seat. The front legs designed like jackals sitting tall and at attention. Atop the throne sat a voluptuous feminine figure, draped in white linens and silks. A golden ankh dangles, infront of her forehead, from a golden comb.

That comb securing a, gold rimmed, light blue veil to her head. She kept the veil drawn back and out of her face. A similar material is clipped around her waist to form a shendyt. The light blue material was translucent and underneath she had on a smaller white linen shendyt. Around her sizable breasts, linen was wrapped.

In walk, a similarly dressed jackal woman and a grayed out human. The human was dressed in dusty stained tan linen shendyt that seem to track sand everywhere, and a dirty linen headdress that drapes around his shoulders where it ends. From the brow of this headdress is an ankh charm.

"Thank you Anput. Mortal, Thoth has elected not to join us." The throned woman says. The mortal continues to walk forward, while Anput stops beside the doorway. The human stops at the foot of the dias, head facing the ground the entire time. "Mortal, you're time apon the earth has ended." She stares into the shadow where his eyes would be. "Regardless of if you know it or not, I shall explain what's about to happen."

She stands. As she does so, a pedestal raised in-between them. She picks up the scale and sets it into grooves on the pedistal. A loud click is heard and a light shines on the jackals, the scale, and the human.

"Anput, observing." The jackal near the door calls out.

"Anubis, goddess of death and embalming, judge presiding." The goddess says, gently lifting the white cushion, the golden ostrich feather sat on.

The human groans, a gilded slit appearing in his chest above his heart. "Mortal, you are about to have your heart, that which drives the body and stores they knowledge, weighed against pure, unadulterated truth. This is Ma'at, the embodiment of the very concept of truth and justice."

A snicker comes from the human. It dances in the goddesses ears. She shakes her head to clear it. "Mortal I'm obligated, by ritual, to offer you a chance to plead. So, how do you plead? Or shall Ma'at answer my question for you?" She sighs as she restricted herself.

"Anubis, I thought you male. It matters not." The voice stings her ears as she recognizes the voice, but can't place it. "I shall let Ma'at show you my soul, although do tell me what happens if my heart weighs more than the feather?" He asks, curious. The goddess gets more distracted. Her pussy starts to dampen unexpectedly.

Calming herself, she says, "your soul is cast from reality to non-existence." Hissing fills the room as a alligator, hippo, tiger thing waddles up and lick it's maw with anticipation. It's gaze was fixed right on the golden slit in the man's chest.

The goddess gently sets the feather on one side of the scales, that side dips. She then rounds the pedistal and places hands on both his shoulders. She sniffs and masks it with a sigh. Mentally scolding herself, she says "mortal, prepare yourself for judgement."

She slides her hand into the slit, stopping after her whole hand is buried in the chest of the mortal. She slowly removes his red, beating heart. The cut that severed the heart glowed gold as it still allowed blood to pass normally through the body.

Everything fades of color, except the heart and the feather. The jackal goddess of death then places the heart on the opposite side of the scales.

Time seemed to slow for the jackal goddess. As soon as the heart left her fingers, she could feel something was off. Something wasn't quite right. Then she saw his face.

As the scales tip one way then the other as if deliberating, his face becomes more clear and more confusing.


No sooner has the name left her lips, did the scales make their final tip. Not looking at the scales, she hugs him. She doesn't dare want to send the soul of her savior to non-existence, to the guts of her pet.


No matter what she'd hold on to him, and no sooner had she thought that that she felt something grow under his shendyt. A surprisingly familiar feeling.

However, Love's truck the goddess did not care. She did not care how this happened, nor how he went from cuddling him in bed to judging his soul.

All she wanted was to feel him. And that's what she'll get.

Y/n hugs the goddess and pinned her to her throne. scale missing, feather missing, anput missing, weird hippo hybrid thing missing.

Soon the claws that draped over the two were scattered on the floor.

He seemed to know that he was doing, his tongue vigorously played with and penetrated the godly snatch offered to him. His hands caress and massage her body, one focused on her clit the whole time.

Soon the sound of skin slapping furred skin fills the hall. His penis seem to be just perfect for her. How many years has it been? How long has it been since she felt this close to someone. She couldn't think. Every time she tried it all came back to what that dick was doing to her.

Then it faded all that remained was the sound of the slapping.

Anubis pov
I moan and grown hand on my pussy the other around something. Then I remember. A blush, surely, covers my face as I look at the still sleeping man on my left.

My moans seem to have excited him, but he's still asleep. After quickly, quietly and stealthily disentangling myself from him I head to his restroom had to calls it.

After closing the lid of the toilet, I remove my shorts to reveal my soaked pussy. I groan as I start to play with it. I think back over and over the dream. Soon my hand starts trying to replicate and mimic what the dream shown.

The closer I get to an orgasm the more I can sense my blockage from my powers. Pinching my erect nipples through the shirt, I moan. Quickly I fashion a gag from my shirt by wadding it up and sticking it into my maw, partly to hold my shirt up, partly to muffle my soon to be careless moaning.

My hands, now free, begin to violate my body. A hand quickly gets to pumping a growing number of fingers into my pussy as I pinch my nipples and play with my boobs with the other. Soon milk drops form on the nipples.

My moaning shakes my head as I loos myself.

When my next get a clear line of thought I cum violently. There's no way I can be the same around him, I think to myself as I start to calm down.

No, I'm a goddess, and not just any goddess, but the goddess of death. I refuse to let some awkward feelings stand in my way.

With renewed determination, I clean up as best as I can, and get dressed. I silently make my way to the bedroom, tugging my shirt back down. He seems to have been reaching for me in his sleep.

Picking him up, I lay back down, draping him on top of me. He instantly snuggles close and I throw the blanket over us.

Sleep tight, I hope I'm wrong about a theory I have. I think as I try to go back to sleep.

Flirting with Death: Anubis appears [Rewriteing]Where stories live. Discover now