The One Where It Begins

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Peter saw on the news that 60 something % of criminals captured by Spider-Man got away before the police arrived, because the webbing holding them in place had dissolved. So Peter decided that, instead of relying on traumatised and/or injured victims to call the authorities, he'd get a private Spidey phone purely for that purpose. Of course, it wasn't long before someone at the police station leaked the number, and soon it was all over the news. Spider-Man actually had to do an exclusive interview just to tell people to stop texting or trying to phone him - his phone was for emergencies only, and 911 should always be the first resort, as there was no guarantee he'd be looking at his phone when someone messaged him (he had to leave it on silent at the bottom of his bag during school). The public grudgingly agreed to his terms, on the condition that he make a social media account so his fans could still contact him.

So Spider-Man had a phone, and that was all well and good. Until Shocker texted him in the middle of patrol.

Hey SM, tried to rob a bank on 5th street but it went wrong, can you come arrest me plz


5th street. bank. come quick

this is shocker btw

if this is a trap its a really bad one

no im serious someones going to arrest me and id rather it was you

ur more fun to fight

the avengers will be here soon plz hurry

Peter took a long moment, then decided why not, and swung to 5th street. Sure enough, there was a hole blown in the wall of the bank and Shocker was trying to free himself from under a piece of rubble. Spidey webbed him up before pulling the rubble off him, keeping an eye out for any trap. But his sixth sense stayed quiet, and after a short fight when Shocker managed to get free of his bonds, quickly won by Spidey due to the villain being already weakened, Spider-Man was handing over Shocker to the authorities just as the Avengers showed up.

Later that day, Peter got another message from the same number as he was doing his homework.

thanks mate

uh sure

anytime ig???

Peter didn't really want to do his homework, so he decided to keep texting.

aren't u meant to be in prison atm?

Yeah and I am but we're allowed phones

Didn't know that


What u doing rn?


SM stuff?

Normal person stuff

yk its weird thinking of you as a normal person

same with you

like I only ever see you when we're fighting

I guess I forget you're a normal person sometimes as well


hey do you think we know each other irl?

hah that would be ironic

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