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You can do this Jeongguk. You can do this.

He tried to calm his heart that was beating so fast against his ribcage, trying to erase any single trace of nervousness in every system of his body.

There was a long pathway to walk and the whole area is still surrounded by a bunch of trees. A cold gust of wind swiftly touches his skin and it feels like he's going to melt in ice at the shivers that run through his spine.

The dead leaves on the ground rustling in his feet. Every step of his feels like he's being closer to a danger and now there's no turning back.

Jeongguk fought the urge to run away but he couldn't control his feet. It feels like something is controlling it and he's a puppet for letting it have his way on him.

As he continues to walk and walk and walk, the view of the building of the school slowly appears in his vision. His mouth hung open in surprise.

It's a castle-like building. It looks old. Very old with a little touch of modern. It's so huge. It's painted with black and with lines of red. It stood on the top of a mountain.

It looks like Hogwarts except it's much scarier.

Jeongguk didn't know how a kind of school like this exists in Korea. A one that settles in the middle of nowhere at that.

His nose immediately scrunches up in disgust. It smells so bad here. It smells like something or someone is burned in here. It smells so rotten that Jungkook tried to control himself from puking.

He should trust his foster parents for sending him here. They had taken care of him greatly and Jeongguk is heavily grateful for that.

And he knows, he knows there is something- there is an actual reason why he was sent in here.

He'll just have to find out why.

It took him ten minutes or so to take the old rusty stairs. It didn't take him long to finally reach the entrance door.

Muffled sounds of students welcome his ears. They are now getting louder and louder and Jeongguk assumes it must be a recess break.

Taking a whole deep breath, preparing for himself and wishes to not lose his sanity after this, he pushes the heavy door open.

Here we go.

As soon as he opens the door, all the voices stop. And so did Jeongguk's heartbeat for a second.

All of the students are staring at him. The smiles on their faces slowly melted away from their faces and were replaced by shock.

Jeongguk instantly notices their uniforms and that was what weirded him out.

All of them are wearing all black uniforms. A black blazer with a big ribbon, a black kneesocks covering half of their legs and a short skirt for girls while for boys they're also wearing a black blazer and pants. All in black.

What weirds Jeongguk the most is that all of them are wearing something on their necks.

Like a metal collar tightly strapped around their necks. Except, they have different varieties of colors.

Green, brown and... red?

Jeongguk gulps harshly. He saw some of their expressions morph into anger, a deadly one and a surprise one.

"I-Isn't he-"

"Yes Yoohyun, he is."


Jeongguk did not spare them a glance and continued walking, ignoring their deadly stares and whispers.

He was about to make his way inside when he noticed someone who was not looking at him or rather, trying not to look at him.

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