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It feels as if the whole world's weight crushed his head into pieces, the pain immediately striking the moment he slowly opens his eyelids. The ache quickly spreads like wildfire and he hisses.

The black colored wall of his room instantly welcomes his sight. It becomes blurry at first until he blinks repeatedly and it slowly fades off, completely seeing his surroundings.

The reality sinked in immediately and he quickly rose from the bed. Jungkook realizes he was already inside his dorm room.

Who brought me here?

He hisses again when the pain hits him again as he tries to remember the past events that happened a few hours ago. He remembers he was outside and was running away from those students who were about to kill him. The adrenaline rush taking over his whole body, he could still hear his rushed footsteps on the ground in his mind.

And then black. It was all black. He didn't know what happened after that.

Jungkook tries to stand up but when he does, his legs feel jelly and he falls instantly into the bed with a soft groan.

"What the fuck." He curses. He feels slightly dizzy.

"Shit, you're finally awake." Seokjin's voice pierces into the air. He rushes to the doe eyed male. "What were you doing outside last night?! It was literally past curfew!"

Jungkook breathes heavily, the annoyance quickly seeps into him. "I wanted to get out of here."

"I told you, you can't! It's too dangerous." Seokjin says. "Be glad there was someone who brought you here still alive and breathing or else you'll be dead."

Jungkook furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "Tell me, do you know the person who brought me here?"

Seokjin gulps and looks away. "I didn't know. The person was wearing a mask when he brought you here. If he hadn't saved you out there then I don't know what would happen to you. God, Jungkook, what were you thinking?!"

The words of Seokjin just passed through Jungkook's ears and the latter rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Don't act like you care. You told me not to trust you so quit it." Jungkook let out a tired sigh when he saw Seokjin's eyes widened a bit from his words.

"It's just-" The other started but shook his head. "W-Whatever. Today's an important day for you. We can't miss it."

"What? What's going on?" Jungkook slowly stood up and faced the other. He tried not to let his fear show as he anticipated the next words.

"The First Task. You needed to be sorted today. You have to kill someone."


Voices and hushed whispers occupied the whole arena.

Jungkook felt uneasiness throughout his body as he nervously walked inside the arena where he would perform his first task according to Seokjin.

The whole arena is huge and dark with only the source of light being the torches on the walls. Its bright color of orange is brighter than a normal fire. The walls are colored in dark brown yet it looked dirty and rusty with some dried patches of blood. All the students are standing near their seats, staring and watching him walk from that door.

Jungkook didn't know that a huge arena like this would exist inside the university's premises. It looks scary and seems like the perfect place where the early hunger games would begin.

There were two guards that were wearing old military uniforms, holding a huge gun in their hands as they both walked behind Jungkook.

By now, the doe eyed male could hear the loud beating of his heart against his ribcage. He could see a huge black circular stage placed in the center. He took a small nervous gulp at the sight of it.

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