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"He has returned."

The man clenches his jaw in anger. After two years, he finally decided to come back?

"But we have a problem, it seems like he doesn't remember anything. I think the accident caused him to have amnesia."

"We won't attack. We'll do it sooner or later, just not now. Let his memories come back first." The man smirks.

He saw the other nod his head and went out of the room.

The smirk on the man's face never left. He chuckles as he drinks the wine.

"I can't believe you're back. I'm gonna make you suffer for leaving me, just wait."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

It was getting dark outside yet the doe eyed male remained inside their dorm room. Seokjin asked him to join him to eat at the cafeteria but he refused, doesn't want to associate and surround himself with psychopaths.

With Seokjin, he can have his heart at ease whenever the male is around, he's a low rank and he didn't do anything to him, at least not yet.

Jeongguk didn't even know why his roommate had warned him not to trust him but he wouldn't question it further anymore. All he needs to do is to plan how to get out of this damn place.

Luckily, he still doesn't have the collar yet and he has a chance to escape.

His stomach was rumbling, hungry for food but he ignored it. The craving to escape was much more in control than to search for food.

He has the whole blanket covering up his whole body up to his head, covering himself entirely from Seokjin. He refused to look at him.

"Are you really not hungry? I could go grab food for you if you want?" Seokjin's voice was full of concern.

"Stop acting like you're concerned to me. You're just like the rest of them."

Jeongguk's sudden words made Seokjin stunned.

The doe eyed male threw the blanket off of his body and stood to face Seokjin. His eyes held anger, fear and determination.

"Of course I-I would bring you food. You're my roommate-"

"You know me from before right? You know what kind of person I was before. I think everyone here does. The principal said this place has something to do with my past. Am I right, Seokjin?"

He watches the other male gulps nervously. He looked really bothered and the anxiety was so obvious in his eyes. The male is clearly panicking.

"You're right. This place does have something to do with your past. But we were not close, okay? We were not even friends in the first place. We didn't even talk. I'm not the right person that you come running to for questions about the past."

Jeongguk could sense the other male was lying. But he brushes it off, too tired to fucking argue.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in knowing my past. If I was actually a student here before and mingled with those psychopaths then I don't wanna know. I'd rather just run away here. Far away from here."

Jeongguk sneers at him, anger visible in his face before going back to his bed and covering himself again with the blanket, turning away from Seokjin.

He wanted to scream out loud due to frustration. Knowing that he was a student here before the accident that caused him to have this amnesia, he didn't want to know. He suddenly didn't want to know the past.

Because something inside his gut tells him that his past self might be one of those psychopaths.

A person who kills someone.

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