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The touch of this handsome man that lingers under his chin sends electricity throughout his body. Jungkook's brows furrowed in confusion, looking at the man, confused.

He could feel the man's thumb lightly rubbing his chin, those sharp eyes taking in every detail of his face. The look softened a little bit when he saw Jungkook's situation.

Unconsciously, Jungkook elevated his head a little bit to get a closer look at the man. Both of them are holding eye contact with each other.

Despite the burning pain in his leg, it didn't stop Jungkook to let himself get lost into those eyes. He feels as if he's suddenly hypnotized by the man.

He can't look away and neither did the man.

It was all until the man suddenly broke out of his thoughts, realizing what was happening, his look hardened and his gaze became intense and hateful.

The man quickly stood up with ease and then his arms harshly grabbed Jungkook's frail body and dragged him back to the stage.

The pain instantly intensifies and a loud cry escapes from Jungkook. His beautiful glistened doe eyes widened in fear as he felt himself getting dragged.

"No! No! Please! Stop! Aah!" Jungkook couldn't stop begging. His body is hitting the ground harshly as the man mercilessly drags him back with no remorse.

The man acted like he didn't hear all his pleas. Jungkook tried to scratch the man's wrist but all his efforts went to waste. Another loud cry escapes his lips when he feels himself getting thrown right at the center of the stage. His wounded leg hit the ground first. The crowd let out a gasp at the sight.

The man did not say anything, he only watched Jungkook struggle to even move a single muscle, lying helplessly on the ground.

At this point, Jungkook stopped fighting and slumped his whole body to the ground with no hope of ever getting back alive out of this place. His one tiny ring of hope suddenly breaks as soon as the man dragged him back to the stage.

He ignores the searing pain from his leg. His doe eyes found Seokjin's eyes on the audience and the other male is now close to crying. Jungkook wondered why Seokjin reacted like that.

Their eye contact moment breaks when he feels the masked man move closer to him. Jungkook became alerted immediately and crawled back in fear. His doe eyes are now glaring at the man, staring at him with pure hatred and disgust.

The man did not utter a single word nor fazed with his glare. He was simply silent, staring at Jungkook with so much intensity. Jungkook shuts his eyes tight when the man moves even closer to him so he could feel his hot breath fanning against his cheeks.

The doe eyed male then felt something in his hands. His eyes flew open and sees the man subtly putting a knife on his right hand. He flinches when the man's lips graze against his ear, sending electricity in his veins.

The man's body was hovering over him, there was not a single space between them. He's caged by the man to the ground.

"Use this to protect yourself." The man's voice surprisingly was so deep that Jungkook suddenly found himself getting lulled to it. He didn't know why he suddenly felt chills and familiarity from that voice.

He then felt a cold feeling that was placed on his palm. His eyes flew open and he instantly looked down to see a knife on his hand. The man gave it to him.

"Fight, Jungkook. Please."

His lips touched Jungkook's ears and then pressed a long soft kiss on it before he hovered away and stood up, leaving the male alone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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