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There was a heavy fear that slammed itself in Jeongguk's body. He stiffens in his seat. A loud pounding of his heartbeat echoes in his ears. They were like never ending drums.

Until it stopped when the man spoke again.

"Here's your schedule. Please deeply follow our rules. And I say I mean it. Don't abide by the rules or you'll get executed." His glare is so sharp, sharper than a knife that is used to behead the heads of a human.

Jeongguk's eyes widened in pure horror at the words.

He continues. "You are given a designated roommate. He or she will explain all the rules to you. I hope you survive until the end of this month or not, I hope."

"What the fuck?!" Jeongguk immediately stood in his seat. Shock, disgust and anger, all filled his eyes and painted in his face.

"What the hell are you talking about?! You are fucking crazy!" Jeongguk's whole body is now shaking. The words made him terrified even more. He feels himself panic.

There is no way the principal is talking about murder. There is no way those rules are fucking real. There is no way his ears caught those words-, those words that only people hungry for blood will only say.

"I thought only bad kids are sent to this school to be taught discipline? What the hell are you talking about?! What the fuck?! This is illegal! I'm going to get out here!" Jeongguk is now ready to get out of this damn school.

But the principal looks very calm at his sudden outburst of a reaction. He didn't even flinch. There was no emotion in his eyes or whatsoever when he uttered those very words. Those very words that shook Jungkook to the core.

"Once you enter here, there is no turning back. You try to leave and we'll have your head decorated for everyone to see. We'll have your body so crushed that all your blood will be smeared everywhere across the hallways. Please take a seat, Mr. Jeon."

There are now tears pooling in his eyes. Oh my god, why did his foster parents send him here?

He wishes he could turn back in time and not give in to them. He wishes he could run away but how could he do that? Not when the man right in front of him is not even joking about his words. He's serious. He's really serious.

Jeongguk tried to calm down but it wasn't happening. The urge to run away is increasing but at the same time he doesn't want to die.

"The room number of your dorm room is already listed on that paper. I understand this might be very shocking to you but I promise we will provide our students the best education and learning that they will ever have." His voice dripped with no emotion. Nothing. Blankless.

Jeongguk's hands are shaking very badly now. He gulps and grabs the paper and stares at it. His heart drops when he sees the words printed.







Death Subject (only in thursdays)



"D-Death subject? What the fuck is this?! This is sick! This is so sick! You guys are fucking sick in the heads!" Jeongguk couldn't control his mouth anymore.

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