Chapter 5

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(A/N: moodboard by carmens-garden)

Another day, another mission. And Grace wasn't used to being told she couldn't go on one. Unfortunately it was doctor's orders, and her father agreed. If it had been to get Ben, she wouldn't have taken no for an answer. She would have marched through those doors regardless of what Anne or Tom or anyone said. But, aggravatingly, their mission to get Ben had been sidelined for yet another supply run. This time for motorcycles. She was furious when Tom told her about it outside the school, just as his group were about to leave, and even more furious when she found out Pope was the one leading them there. She was about to go and have it out with Weaver when Tom stopped her.

"Grace, I already talked to him about it. We need to get the supplies first, then we'll be prepared to get Ben."

"Are you kidding?" Grace said, annoyed. "We're ready now! Getting Ben is so far down on Weaver's priority list. He doesn't see individuals, he sees a unit. And as long as he can keep that unit running, he'll let Ben die."

"That's enough." She could see her father was frustrated, but he didn't raise his voice.

"She kind of has a point," quipped Hal who was standing beside them.

"Enough, both of you," Tom chastised, losing patience. "I'm angry too. I want to get Ben out of there just as much as you do, but one wrong move and that's it for all of us. We need to be careful. We'll get the bikes, we'll get the supplies we need, then we'll get Ben."

Grace couldn't help showing the disappointment in her face. "I'd feel better about it if you weren't going with him." She said the last part loudly so that Pope, who was standing with his back to them not far away, could hear. "I don't trust him."

"Nor do I, but he claims to know the area well, so he's coming along whether we like it or not," Tom replied.

She sighed. "Maybe if I came with you..."

"That's not an option, Grace. Anne said you need to take it easy. You can't risk tearing those stitches."

"Dad!" a small voice interrupted as Matt came running out of the school's entrance.

"Matt, what are you doing here?" Their father looked surprised. "You should be in class."

"I ditched when I heard you were leaving," explained Matt. "I want to come with you."

"Sorry, Shrimp. You got to be that tall to ride," said Hal, hovering a hand above Matt's curly head.

"But I mean it. I want to help," urged Matt.

Grace put an arm around him. "Hey, I have to stay too. You're not the only one."

"That's different," the boy muttered. "You're hurt. I'm not. I can fight. Some of the other kids are learning how to load guns, even shoot."

"Well, that's the other kids," said Tom sternly.

"But, dad -"

"Matt, I said no."

Matt looked down, pouting. Hal patted his shoulder as an apology. They all knew he wanted to fight. Just...not yet.

"We'll be back soon," said Tom. "Go on. Go back to class."

Grace took his hand. "Come on, Matt. I'll take you." She smiled back at Hal and Tom. "Good luck. Be careful."

The two smiled back at her and said their goodbyes. Anthony caught her gaze and he gave her a nod. "Don't worry. I'll watch Pope."

She smiled gratefully at him, a twinge of sadness on her lips as she remembered poor Click. Anthony hid his grief well. She wondered how well he was coping, especially now he had to accompany Pope on a scout to get motorcycles.

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