Chapter 12

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(A/N: Poster by tinderbox)

For the first time in a long while, Grace felt at peace. She wasn't thinking about Sonya, the woman she threatened; or Weaver's break-down; or even the fact that there were aliens scattered around the city that wanted her and everyone else dead. For now, she felt at ease, and so, apparently, did everyone else as they chuckled along to some old cartoons Scott had found and put on an overhead projector. Everyone had gathered round to watch, and they all seemed to have a smile on their faces.

Matt sat on Grace's lap, giggling away, her two other brothers to the right of her, smirking as they watched the old, black and white cartoon characters dancing across the screen. Any other day this wouldn't be funny, Grace thought, but now watching something like this with the people she loved gave her heart a warmth she hadn't felt in a long, long time.

She almost wished she hadn't seen Lourdes standing there in the corner, staring anxiously at her. She wished she could just enjoy this moment, live in it forever, hold onto this feeling. But in this world, moments like this didn't last very long. Lourdes definitely seemed troubled about something, and her concern seemed aimed right in her direction.

She took Matt's head in her hands and gave him a kiss. "Gotta go, Peanut. I'll be right back."

Matt reluctantly slid off her knee. "Don't go," he pouted, taking her hand in his. She squeezed it and then let go.

"I promise I won't be long. I just wanna talk to Lourdes." She tapped Ben on the shoulder so he and Hal knew where she was going. They gave her a brief smile of acknowledgement, then went right back to watching the screen. Good, Grace thought. She didn't want to worry the boys with what might potentially be nothing when they seemed so content.

Lourdes bit her lip when she saw Grace coming. She immediately dropped her gaze, and Grace knew something was up.

"What is it? Is something wrong?"

The girl hesitated. "I'm not supposed to tell you anything."

"What?" Grace demanded, beginning to get agitated.

Lourdes sighed in defeat. "You better come with me."

The hallways were dark at this time of night, lit only by candles. It only made Grace's heart beat faster as she followed Lourdes down the long corridor. Lourdes led her into a classroom where she saw Anne and Tom standing over a dead skitter, its hard, scaly skin cracked open to reveal its gory insides. The rancid smell hit Grace first, then came the questions.

"What's going on?"

Anne and Tom snapped their heads towards her. Grace saw a mix of shock and anger in her father's expression.

"What is she doing here?"

"I'm sorry," frowned Lourdes.

Tom turned to his daughter. "You should be with your brothers, Grace."

Grace ignored him. Instead her gaze settled upon the dead skitter. She guessed it must have been the body of the skitter her father had captured, and later Anne had killed, but she couldn't understand why they were here staring at it, until she came closer. Inside the mess of blood and alien guts, she could see it. She could even imagine it glowing. A harness.

She took a step back, a hand slapping over her mouth.

"We didn't want you to find out this way," confessed Anne.

"You didn't want me to find out at all, did you?" Grace directed this at Tom. She knew this was something her father would have kept from her. She could see it in his face.

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