Chapter 15

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(A/N: Grace character study video made by the talented littletonpace)

Darkness had taken over the skies. Apart from a few beamers shooting through the air and the glowing lights from the above structure, the city was completely in black. What was left of the Second Mass fighters gathered round – all five of them. It was nearly time.

Grace tied her hair up in a tight bun as Weaver went through the plan one last time. They were to go in quietly. They had already driven up to the edge of the city as silently as possibly. Now the West leg was in sight, they could see and hear mechs patrolling the area, their large steps like a drum pounding, almost like a heartbeat. Then Grace realised that maybe it was her own heart she was hearing, a quick and steady thumping noise booming in her ears.

She was scared. She wouldn't lie to herself. It was all she could do to keep herself from shaking like a leaf. But she wouldn't run. She wasn't a coward. And her rage eclipsed any fear she felt. She needed this.

Weaver explained that he and Pope would attach the bomb to the leg whilst Gibson, Grace and Anthony covered them. Pope insisted on setting off his own creation, and the look in his face suggested he couldn't wait to see the show once that thing lit up. Grace figured she'd be too busy running to enjoy it fully.

At least she wouldn't have to worry about Hal now. Even though she was glad about that, she missed having him by her side. He made her feel safe, whether he was trying to or not. She wouldn't know what to do if something were to ever happen to him. She tried to focus on the fact that he was back at the school with the rest of her family. He would be safer there. That was reassuring in itself.

Weaver looked down at his watch again. It was coming up to 2100 hrs. It was time to abandon the vehicles and make their way over to the structure. They all held their weapons firmly, following Weaver through the shadowy streets. Everything was as they had left it since the last time they had been here. A complete mess. Streets littered with garbage and rubble. They crept past it all for a moment, towards the structure, when Grace thought she could hear movement coming from an alleyway to the right of them. She pulled Anthony's sleeve and hissed at everyone to get down as two skitters followed by a mech emerged. The five of them backtracked and hid behind a brick wall.

Weaver peered around the edge, the charges still in his grasp. Grace could still hear the thunder of the mech's steps on the concrete, too close for comfort. The captain looked frustrated.

"It's no use," he muttered. "The damn thing is guarded from all sides."

Grace risked a peek, taking a place up next to Weaver and looking around the corner slowly. The enormous metal leg towered above her. It seemed to go on forever until it reached the clouds and the stars, different coloured lights illuminating the black sky. If she hadn't been so outraged by its existence, she might have been impressed by the giant structure. Dropping her gaze back to earth, she could see that Weaver was right. The leg was huge, but there was a mech patrolling each side of the structure, skitters in the surrounding areas. There was no sneaking passed them.

"So what now?" Pope asked impatiently.

They all looked towards Weaver whose heavy brows were furrowed together, lips pursed in thought.

"We'll have to make a run for it. Place the charges, sprint like hell and set 'em off once we're clear. Chances are there's gonna be a lot of enemy fire." He paused. "We're gonna take a lot of hits so we need as much cover as possible. No mistakes. Understand?"

Everyone nodded. Grace held her rifle close to her chest, adrenaline pumping through her.

"We still got that RPG in the back of the truck," Pope offered. "Since the stealthy approach has gone out the window, how about lighting these suckers up? Might cause a big enough distraction if nothin' else."

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