Chapter 10: Revenge Time

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Disclaimer: Everything besides Bella and her family belong to Square Enix.


We heard an explosion above us. {What was that?} I saw something shiny in the sky. Then I saw two eidolons. Then ice went around us. It helped keep the troops at bay and distracted them. I saw the eidolons turned into a motorbike.

{Could it be Snow's eidolon?} We saw Snow and a woman riding the eidolon on the ice. Lightning and I fought some of the troops who were aiming at us. Snow and the woman stopped in front of us. He was okay.

Lightning pushed both of us towards Snow. "Take care of them," she said. Hope pushed himself away from him. Snow helped me stand up a bit. Snow was trying to convince Lightning that Serah would turn back to normal. Then, she ran off. The woman ran after her.

The soldiers got up and aimed at us again. Snow lifted Hope onto the motorbike. Snow had me sit on his lap. "Hang on," he told us and drove off. Hope fell off the bike, but Snow was able to protect him. Snow told him to take cover.

I got off the bike and Snow used the eidolon's powers. Hope walked up to him. "Where have you been?" he asked him. Snow explained to us what had happen. Some of the military helped him. It was the calvary. I told myself that I was going to keep my distance away from them. I didn't want to see Hope take his revenge.

We were able to scare off many of the civilians so that they wouldn't get purged. Soon, we found ourselves on top of a building making our way to Felix Heights. That was where Hope's house was located. "Felix Heights is that way right?" he asked us.

"Yes," I told him. I felt the tension between them growing. I didn't like it. I really wished that Hope would change his decision. I didn't want him to go through with it. I could stop him but, then he would resent me. He was my first friend here so I didn't want to break it.

I had already told him to stop, but he wouldn't listen. {Was our friendship already over?} We walked a little more until we stop for a beverage break. I drank some water while Snow drank some soda out of a can from the vending machine. I saw the anger in Hope's eyes. {This was were he was going to get his revenge.}

I decided to stay in the shadows and close my ears. I didn't want to hear everything that he was going to tell Snow. I saw Snow fall over the railing. Then, I saw Hope raise the dagger up. An explosion occurred behind Hope. I waited for the debris and smoke to die down. I saw the PSICOM machines disappear in the sky. They were the ones who shot at them.

I quickly made my way to see over the edge. "Oh please let them be alright," I said in prayer. Soon, I saw Snow carrying Hope up the ladder. When they were near the edge. I helped Snow up. Snow looked like he got injured from the fall.

"Are you okay Snow?" I asked him. "Don't worry. This is nothing," he said in a bit of pain. I didn't believe him. I was worried about Hope. He wasn't awake. "Don't worry about him. I made sure that he was okay," he assured me. I nodded my head. I helped Snow put Hop on his back and we continued to walk to Felix Height. I stood next to Snow in case he need the support.

Soon, Hope woke up. "You're awake," I said in relief. Hope realized who was carrying him. "Why did you save me?" he asked Snow. "I was asked to keep you safe. By Lightning...and Nora. I'm sorry," he said. {His mother told him to keep him safe?}

Snow knew that it was his own fault for putting Hope's mother in danger. He wanted to make things right for Hope. Snow gave him the dagger. {So Snow is going to give him a chance to kill him?!} I stood back a bit and watched closely.

"You can take the blame. But, it won't bring her back," Hope said to him in realization. "I'm sorry," Snow apologize again. Hope felt like he had to blame someone. He needed a reason to keep on fighting. He closed the dagger. I began to smile. {He returning to his old self.}

Snow released Hope from his back and fell to the ground. "Snow!" I said and ran over to him. I helped him sit up against a pillar. I heard something behind me. I turned and saw a big machine coming for us. Hope was in it's way.

Snow got whacked away and got knocked out. "Snow!" I yelled out. I turned to the machine. I grabbed hold of my chakram but, I got whacked to a stone statue and it broke upon impact. It really hurt my head.


I blacked out.

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