Sam's pov

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Jim, Kate, Tee, and Sam are chatting in their group chat, discussing their upcoming tour.

"We're going to need some new dancers for the tour," Tee reminds the group. "We need to find some fresh talent to join us on stage."

"I heard that the company is holding auditions this week," Sam says. "I think I'll go and check out the talent myself. As the leader of the band, it's my responsibility to make sure we have the best dancers."

"That's a great idea, Sam," Kate says. "I'm sure you'll be able to find some amazing talent.

I've arrived at the audition venue, and I can already feel the energy in the air. There are hundreds of aspiring K-pop stars here, all hoping to make their dreams a reality.

I meet up with the other members of the management team, and we take our seats to watch the auditions. I can't help but feel a bit nervous. I know that I have a big responsibility as the leader of my band. I want to find the best talent to join us on tour.

As I watch the auditions, I'm impressed by the talent on stage. But so far, nobody has really stood out to me. I'm looking for someone who has that special spark, that certain something that sets them apart from the rest.

I know that I have to be patient. I'm sure the right person will come along eventually. I just have to keep an open mind and keep looking.

And then, out of nowhere, someone catches my eye. It's a dancer named Mon, and she's got talent like I've never seen before. She's got a passion and energy that's contagious, and I can't help but feel a bit excited.

But what really sets Mon apart is the way she makes eye contact with me. Most people try to avoid making eye contact with me, especially since I have an "ice queen" image in the public eye. But not Mon. She breaks the fourth wall with me, and I can feel a connection between us.

Mon's performance is one of the best I've ever seen. She has a natural talent that can't be taught. And as I watch her dance, I feel a weird tingling sensation in my chest. It's a feeling I can't quite explain, but it's warm and comforting.

I don't understand what I'm feeling. All I know is that I can't take my eyes off of Mon. I know that she's the one we've been looking for.

The management has announced the top 50 participants of the auditions, and I'm not surprised to see Mon's name on the list. I knew that she had talent like I've never seen before, and I was confident that she would make the cut.

But to my surprise, Mon makes a sad face after such a great performance. I don't understand why she would be upset. This is her chance to make her dreams a reality.

The management announces that the top 50 participants will be sent to work with different bands in the company, to see if they can handle the pressure of the K-pop industry.

But there's something else that makes me want to put Mon with my band. It's not just her talent that impresses me, but also something else. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I have a sudden desire to get to know Mon better.

This is a strange feeling for me. I don't usually feel this way about other people. But there's something about Mon that draws me in.

I decide to speak up and ask the management if Mon can be sent to my band. I know that she has the talent and the passion to succeed, and I want to give her the chance to shine.

To my delight, the management agrees. Mon will be joining my band as a dancer on our upcoming tour. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. And I'm also excited to get to know Mon better.

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